Browsing NIVA Open Access Archive by Title
Now showing items 2089-2108 of 8334
Geitevågen badebasseng, Bodø. Notat. Vannforholdene 27/7-5/9-1970
(NIVA-rapport;0337, Research report, 1971) -
Geitvågen badebasseng, Bodø. En undersøkelse av vannforholdene
(NIVA-rapport;0268, Research report, 1970) -
Gene Flow, Recombination, and Selection in Cyanobacteria: Population Structure of Geographically Related Planktothrix Freshwater Strains
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Several Planktothrix strains, each producing a distinct oligopeptide profile, have been shown to coexist within Lake Steinsfjorden (Norway). Using nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) genes as markers, it has been shown ... -
Generating environmental sampling and testing data for micro- and nanoplastics for use in life cycle impact assessment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Ongoing efforts focus on quantifying plastic pollution and describing and estimating the related magnitude of exposure and impacts on human and environmental health. Data gathered during such work usually follows a receptor ... -
Genetic and morphological variation in Chara contraria and a taxon morphologically resembling Chara connivens
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Charophyte species delineation is regularly based on a set of thallus morphological characteristics, but considering pronounced phenotypic plasticity, difficulties and doubts commonly occur in Chara species determination. ... -
Genetic diversity of the NE Atlantic sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis unveils chaotic genetic patchiness possibly linked to local selective pressure
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)We compared the genetic differentiation in the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis from discrete populations on the NE Atlantic coast. By using eight recently developed microsatellite markers, genetic structure ... -
Genetic heterogeneity of two bioeconomically important kelp species along the Norwegian coast
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Knowledge of genetic diversity among wild populations is becoming increasingly important as more species are recognized for their bioeconomic value. Industrialization of natural resources, such as kelp in the marine shallow ... -
Genetisk isolasjon mellom fjordbassenger hos benthiske evertebrater
(NIVA-rapport;7129, Research report, 2017)Rapporten redegjør for resultater fra arbeidspakke 4 i prosjektet «Improved submarine tailing placements(STPs) in Norwegian fjords», med fokus på genetisk differensiering mellom populasjoner av bunnlevende evertebrater i ... -
Geochemical and morphological characterization of particles originating from tunnel construction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Rock particles from drilling and blasting during tunnel construction (DB particles) are released to the aquatic environment where they may cause negative toxicological and ecological effects. However, there exists little ... -
Geochemical Markers as a Tool for the Characterization of a Multi-Layer Urban Aquifer: The Case Study of Como (Northern Italy)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The analysis of geochemical markers is a known valid tool to explore the water sources and understand the main factors affecting natural water quality, which are known issues of interest in environmental science. This study ... -
Geological storage of CO2: The marine component. Impact on sediments, seawater and marine biota from leaks. A litterature review
(NIVA-rapport;5478, Research report, 2007)The report gives an overview of the current knowledge about what impacts CO2 leaking from future sub-seabed storage sites may cause to the marine environment. Only a couple of such sites exist today, and no apparent leaks ... -
Geostatistiske analyser av miljøgifter i mudringsområde Borg 1
(NIVA-Rapport;7057, Research report, 2016)I forbindelse med planlagt mudring av området Borg 1 (innseilingen til Borg Havn, Fredrikstad kommune) har Rambøll AS foretatt kjemisk analyse av 227 sedimentprøver hentet fra 96 overflateprøver/kjerner i mudringsområdet. ... -
Giftige alger i drikkevannsforsyninger - noen holdepunkter om praktiske tiltak
(NIVA-rapport;1423, Research report, 1982)To vannforsyninger med blågrønnalgeproblemer er vurdert. Råvannskildene (Gjersjøen, Akershus og Vansjø, Østfold) viser oppblomstringer med Oscillatoria som har toksiske stammer. Norske vannverk vil gjennomgående være ... -
Giftighet av avfallsvann fra polyesterproduksjon (Alf Bjerke A/S) overfor fisk
(NIVA-rapport;0231, Research report, 1969) -
Giftighet av bakvann fra tresliperi overfor fisk. Papirindustriens forskningsinstitutt
(NIVA-rapport;0273, Research report, 1970) -
Giftighet av oljefjerningsmiddel X - 12 overfor fisk
(NIVA-rapport;0291, Research report, 1970) -
Giftighet av PVC-produkter ovenfor fisk
(NIVA-rapport;0289, Research report, 1970) -
Giftighet av SUPERSOL 33 bilvaskemiddel overfor laks
(NIVA-rapport;0246, Research report, 1969) -
Giftighetstester med flotasjonskjemikaliet Lilaflot D 817M. Effekter på alger, børstemark, krepsdyr og fisk
(NIVA-rapport;6044, Research report, 2010)Sydvaranger Gruve AS (SG) startet i 2009 produksjon av høyverdig jernmalmkonsentrat etter at tilsvarende virksomhet ble nedlagt i 1997. SG har planer om bruke flotasjonskjemikaliet Lilaflot D817M. I forbindelse med utslipp ... -
Giftighetstesting av sjøvann rundt elektrodeanlegg for overføring av el-kraft mellom Danmark og Norge via sjø
(NIVA-rapport;4587, Research report, 2002)I denne rapporten presenteres resultater fra giftighetstesting av vann innsamlet i og omkring et elektrodeanlegg for overføring av el-kraft mellom Danmark og Norge. Giftighetstestene ble utført på to ulike organismer, ...