Browsing NIVA Open Access Archive by Title
Now showing items 4094-4113 of 8334
Observasjoner i Glåma på vassdragsstrekningen Rånåsfoss-Bingsfoss i 1975
Observation of Floating Inorganic Macro-debris in The Downstream Citarum River using Manual Counting
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Inorganic Macro-debris (IMD) such as plastics can negatively affect aquatic life and human wellbeing. Information about IMD transport in river systems is required to optimize prevention, mitigation, and reduction strategies. ... -
Observations of turbulence caused by a combination of tides and mean baroclinic flow over a fjord sill
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This study investigates the dissipation rates and flow conditions at the Drøbak Sill in the Oslofjord. The area was transected 13 times with a free-falling microstructure shear probe during 4 days in June 2011. At the same ... -
Observing Temporally Varying Synoptic-Scale Total Alkalinity and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Arctic Ocean
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The long-term absorption by the oceans of atmospheric carbon dioxide is leading to the slow decline of ocean pH, a process termed ocean acidification (OA). The Arctic is a challenging region to gather enough data to examine ... -
Occurrence and distribution of Pseudoscalibregma and Scalibregma (Annelida, Scalibregmatidae) in the deep Nordic Seas, with the description of Scalibregma hanseni n. sp.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Until recent years, only a few scalibregmatid species have been known from the Nordic Seas, largely from shelf and coastal waters. Access to a large collection from deep areas has made it possible to provide more knowledge ... -
Occurrence and trophic transport of organic compounds in sedimentation ponds for road runoff
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Sedimentation ponds have been shown to accumulate several groups of contaminants, most importantly polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) and metals. But also, other urban organic pollutants have shown to be present, including ... -
Occurrence of pearls in mussels (Mytilus spp.) from the Norwegian coast
(NIVA-rapport;7308, Research report, 2018)Mussels (Mytilus spp.) from the Norwegian coast produce pearls, up to as many >360 pearls per individual, and it seems to be a southern-northern gradient with more pearls in mussels from the south than from the north. Out ... -
Occurrence of phthalates and organotins in sediments and water in Norway
(NIVA-rapport;3552, Research report, 1996)NIVA has carried out a study on the occurrence of PVC additives such as phthalates, adipates and organotins in sediment, freshwater, seawater and domestic sewage in southern Norway on the commission of Norsk Hydro, ... -
Occurrence of tire and road wear particles in urban and peri-urban snowbanks, and their potential environmental implications
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)According to estimates put forward in multiple studies, tire and road wear particles are one of the largest sources to microplastic contamination in the environment. There are large uncertainties associated with local ... -
Occurrence of UV filters, fragrances and organophosphate flame retardants in municipal WWTP effluents and their removal during membrane post-treatment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Membrane filtration using ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF) or reverse osmosis (RO) membranes was evaluated as an efficient effluent polishing step at municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) for the removal ... -
Ocean acidification and carbonate system parameters measurements
(NIVA-rapport;5908, Research report, 2010)This document summarizes the most recent estimates of the ocean acidification and carbonate system parameters measurements on the basis of the available reviews prepared by international and national organizations (IPCC, ... -
Ocean acidification and human health
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The ocean provides resources key to human health and well-being, including food, oxygen, livelihoods, blue spaces, and medicines. The global threat to these resources posed by accelerating ocean acidification is becoming ... -
Ocean alkalinity enhancement impacts: regrowth of marine microalgae in alkaline mineral concentrations simulating the initial concentrations after ship-based dispersions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Increasing the marine carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption capacity by adding alkaline minerals into the world's oceans is a promising marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) approach to increase the ocean's CO2 storage potential ... -
The ocean's ultimate trashcan: Hadal trenches as major depositories for plastic pollution
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Plastic debris and marine microplastics are being discharged into the ocean at an alarming scale and have been observed throughout the marine environment. Here we report microplastic in sediments of the Challenger Deep, ... -
OECD Natural Resource Management Programme Improved Integration of Water Resources Management with other Government Policies
(NIVA-rapport;1958, Research report, 1987)A Norwegian overview of water management integration with other ploitical areas is presented. The presentation is based on giudelines prepared by the Environment Directorate in OECD. The identified integration areas are: ... -
OECD validation study to assess intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility of the zebrafish embryo toxicity test for acute aquatic toxicity testing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)The OECD validation study of the zebrafish embryo acute toxicity test (ZFET) for acute aquatic toxicity testing evaluated the ZFET reproducibility by testing 20 chemicals at 5 different concentrations in 3 independent runs ... -
Offentlig forvaltning av vannressurser. Organisasjon, lovgrunnlag, saksbehandling
(NIVA-rapport;1286, Research report, 1981)En oversikt over den offentlige vannforvaltnings historie og status i dag (1980) beskrevet ved oversikter over organisering, lovgrunnlag og saksbehandling. Tre samordningsalternativer som omfatter samordning av datagrunnlag, ... -
Offentlig forvaltning av vannressurser. Status 1. mars 1979
(NIVA-rapport;1119, Research report, 1979)9 forvaltningsområder omtales: Energiproduksjon, Vern mot forurensninger, Drikke- og industrivannforsyning, Jordbruksvanning, Flomsikring - erosjonsvern - senkning - masseuttak i vassdrag, Naturvern - landskapsvern, ... -
Oksidasjon av jern i gruvevann fra Wallenberg pumpestasjon, Løkken Verk, Meldal kommune
(NIVA-rapport;6006, Research report, 2010)Det er nødvendig å oksidere toverdig jern i gruvevannet fra Wallenberg sjakt i Løkkengruva før vannet viderebehandles med kalk og slippes ut. Det er vurdert tre ulike teknikker inkludert lufting, oksidasjon med peroksid ...