• Arctic kelp forests: Diversity, resilience and future 

      Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Wernberg, Thomas; Fredriksen, Stein; Norderhaug, Kjell Magnus; Pedersen, Morten Foldager (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The Arctic is one of the most rapidly changing places on Earth and it is a sentinel region for understanding the range and magnitude of planetary changes, and their impacts on ecosystems. However, our understanding of ...
    • Can multitrophic interactions and ocean warming influence large-scale kelp recovery? 

      Christie, Hartvig C; Gundersen, Hege; Rinde, Eli; Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Norderhaug, Kjell Magnus; Pedersen, Torstein; Bekkby, Trine; Gitmark, Janne Kim; Fagerli, Camilla With (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Ongoing changes along the northeastern Atlantic coastline provide an opportunity to explore the influence of climate change and multitrophic interactions on the recovery of kelp. Here, vast areas of sea urchin‐dominated ...
    • Carbon export is facilitated by sea urchins transforming kelp detritus 

      Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Pedersen, Morten Foldager; Fredriksen, Stein; Norderhaug, Kjell Magnus; Rinde, Eli; Kristiansen, Trond; Albretsen, Jon; Wernberg, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      With the increasing imperative for societies to act to curb climate change by increasing carbon stores and sinks, it has become critical to understand how organic carbon is produced, released, transformed, transported, and ...
    • Community structure of deep fjord and shelf benthic fauna receiving different detrital kelp inputs in northern Norway 

      Ramirez-Llodra, Eva; Pedersen, Torstein; Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Hauquier, Freija; Guilini, Katja; Mikkelsen, Nina; Borgersen, Gunhild; van Gyseghem, Margo; Vanreusel, Ann; Vilas, Daniel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Kelp forests produce large amounts of macroalgal detritus, ranging from whole plants to small particles (1 mm). The role of this kelp detritus in fueling deep-sea communities adjacent to healthy kelp forests was investigated ...
    • Detrital carbon production and export in high latitude kelp forests 

      Pedersen, Morten Foldager; Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Norderhaug, Kjell Magnus; Fredriksen, Stein; Frisk, Nicolai Lond; Fagerli, Camilla With; Wernberg, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The production and fate of seaweed detritus is a major unknown in the global C-budget. Knowing the quantity of detritus produced, the form it takes (size) and its timing of delivery are key to understanding its role as a ...
    • Distribution and abundance of the invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea and associated benthic macrofauna in Carriacou, Grenadines, Eastern Caribbean 

      Scheibling, Robert E.; Patriquin, David G; Filbee-Dexter, Karen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea has spread throughout the eastern Caribbean since it was first recorded in Grenada in 2002. We quantified the distribution and abundance of H. stipulacea, and its associated ...
    • Ecological surprise: concept, synthesis, and social dimensions 

      Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Pittman, Jeremy; Haig, Heather A.; Alexander, Steven M.; Symons, Celia C.; Burke, Matthew J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      As the extent and intensity of human impacts on ecosystems increase and the capacity of ecosystems to absorb these impacts dwindles, unanticipated behavior in ecological systems—or surprises —is likely to become more common. ...
    • Ethics of assisted evolution in marine conservation 

      Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Smajdor, Anna Colette (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Climate change is outpacing existing rates of evolution and adaptation for many marine organisms. Human societies are pushing hard to find new solutions to save and protect marine ecosystems, generating research on ...
    • Future trajectories of change for an Arctic deep-sea ecosystem connected to coastal kelp forests 

      Vilas, Daniel; Coll, Marta; Pedersen, Torstein; Corrales, Xavier; Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Wernberg, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Environmental stressors related to climate change and other anthropogenic activities are impacting Arctic marine ecosystems at exceptional rates. Within this context, predicting future scenarios of deep-sea ecosystems and ...
    • Global estimates of the extent and production of macroalgal forests 

      Duarte, Carlos M.; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre; Hancke, Kasper; Gundersen, Hege; Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Pedersen, Morten Foldager; Middelburg, J.J.; Burrows, Michael T.; Krumhansl, Kira A.; Wernberg, Thomas; Moore, Pippa J.; Pessarrodona, Albert; Ørberg, Sarah; Pinto, Isabel Sousa; Assis, Jorge; Queirós, Ana M.; Smale, Dan A; Bekkby, Trine; Serrão, Ester A.; Krause-Jensen, Dorte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Macroalgal habitats are believed to be the most extensive and productive of all coastal vegetated ecosystems. In stark contrast to the growing attention on their contribution to carbon export and sequestration, understanding ...
    • Grazers extend blue carbon transfer by slowing sinking speeds of kelp detritus 

      Wernberg, Thomas; Filbee-Dexter, Karen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Marine plant communities such as kelp forests produce significant amounts of detritus, most of which is exported to areas where it can constitute an important trophic subsidy or potentially be sequestered in marine sediments. ...
    • Kelp carbon sink potential decreases with warming due to accelerating decomposition 

      Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Feehan, Colette J.; Smale, Dan A.; Krumhansl, Kira A.; Augustine, Skye; de Bettignies, Florian; Burrows, Michael T.; Byrnes, Jarrett E.K.; Campbell, Jillian; Davoult, Dominique; Dunton, Kenneth H.; Franco, Joao N.; Garrido, Ignacio; Grace, Sean P.; Hancke, Kasper; Johnson, Ladd E.; Konar, Brenda; Moore, Pippa J.; Norderhaug, Kjell Magnus; O'Dell, Alasdair; Pedersen, Morten F.; Salomon, Anne K.; Sousa-Pinto, Isabel; Tiegs, Scott; Yiu, Dara; Wernberg, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Cycling of organic carbon in the ocean has the potential to mitigate or exacerbate global climate change, but major questions remain about the environmental controls on organic carbon flux in the coastal zone. Here, we ...
    • Local flexibility in feeding behaviour and contrasting microhabitat use of an omnivore across latitudes 

      Leclerc, Jean-Charles; de Bettignies, Thibaut; de Bettignies, Florian; Christie, Hartvig C; Franco, João N; Leroux, Cédric; Davoult, Dominique; Pedersen, Morten F; Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Wernberg, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      As the environment is getting warmer and species are redistributed, consumers can be forced to adjust their interactions with available prey, and this could have cascading effects within food webs. To better understand the ...
    • Movement of pulsed resource subsidies from kelp forests to deep fjords 

      Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Wernberg, Thomas; Norderhaug, Kjell Magnus; Ramirez-Llodra, Eva; Pedersen, Morten Foldager (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Resource subsidies in the form of allochthonous primary production drive secondary production in many ecosystems, often sustaining diversity and overall productivity. Despite their importance in structuring marine communities, ...
    • Quantifying ecological and social drivers of ecological surprise 

      Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Symons, Celia C.; Jones, Kristal; Haig, Heather A.; Pittman, Jeremy; Alexander, Steven M.; Burke, Matthew J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      1.A key challenge facing ecologists and ecosystem managers is understanding what drives unexpected shifts in ecosystems and limits the effectiveness of human interventions. Research that integrates and analyses data from ...
    • Rise of Turfs: A New Battlefront for Globally Declining Kelp Forests 

      Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Wernberg, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Kelp forests are structurally complex habitats, which provide valuable services along 25% of the world's coastlines. Globally, many kelp forests have disappeared and been replaced by turf algae over the last decade. Evidence ...
    • Seafloor primary production in a changing Arctic Ocean 

      Attard, Karl; Singh, Rakesh Kumar; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre; Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Krause-Jensen, Dorte; Kühl, Michael; Sejr, Mikael K.; Archambault, Philippe; Babin, Marcel; Bélanger, Simon; Berg, Peter; Glud, Ronnie N.; Hancke, Kasper; Jänicke, Stefan; Qin, Jing; Rysgaard, Søren; Sørensen, Esben B.; Tachon, Foucaut; Wenzhöfer, Frank; Ardyna, Mathieu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Phytoplankton and sea ice algae are traditionally considered to be the main primary producers in the Arctic Ocean. In this Perspective, we explore the importance of benthic primary producers (BPPs) encompassing microalgae, ...
    • Seaweed forests are carbon sinks that may help mitigate CO2 emissions: a comment on Gallagher et al. (2022) 

      Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Pessarrodona, Albert; Duarte, Carlos M.; Krause-Jensen, Dorte; Hancke, Kasper; Smale, Daniel; Wernberg, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Recently, Gallagher et al. (2022) suggested that seaweed ecosystems are net heterotrophic carbon sources due to CO2 released from the consumption of external subsidies. Here we outline several flaws in their argument, which ...