Browsing NIVA Open Access Archive by Author "Harman, C."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Biological effects monitoring of the discharge water from the Ormen Lange gas facility, Norway
Brooks, S.; Harman, C. (NIVA-rapport;5747, Research report, 2009)The mussel, Mytilus edulis has been used to assess the biological effects of produced water (PW) discharged from the Ormen Lange gas processing plant on the West coast of Norway. An integrated monitoring approach was ... -
Kartlegging av forurensning i Nidelva; Innledende kartlegging 2007og 2008
Rosten, T.; Harman, C.; Fjeld, E.; Urke, H.; Rosseland, B.; Kleiven, E.; Muthanna, T. (NIVA-rapport;5722, Research report, 2008)Høsten 2007 ble det gjennomført en studie av forekomst av polyaromatiske hydrokarboner (PAH), organiske tinnforbindelser (Sn-org) og polyklorerte bifenyler (PCB) i vannfasen på fire steder i Nidelvsystemet. Det ble også ... -
Miljøgifter I Haukåsvassdraget 2005-2006
Hobæk, A.; Harman, C. (NIVA-rapport;5302, Research report, 2006)Rapporten gjør rede for undersøkelser utført for å avklare om miljøgifter kan ha betydning for bestanden av elvemusling i Haukåselva. Det ble målt organiske miljøgifter (PCB, DDT, PAH) i vannprøver, i elvemuslinger og vha. ... -
New Biomarkers
Hylland, K.; Rønning, I.; Øverås, H.; Sva, E.; Holth, T.; Harman, C.; Finne, E.; Grung, M. (NIVA-rapport;5214, Research report, 2006)Large volumes of produced water are released into the North Sea and there is still some uncertainty as to the environmental impacts. Following the BECPELAG workshop in 2001-2002, water column monitoring near selected ... -
RiverPOP 2009: Measuring concentrations of persistent organic pollutants and trace metals in Norwegian rivers.
Allan, I.; Garmo, Ø.; Harman, C.; Kringstad, A.; Bratsberg, E. (NIVA-rapport;5989, Research report, 2010)A performance evaluation of a range of techniques for the measurement of the concentration of persistent organic pollutants and trace metals was undertaken in the Rivers Glomma and Drammen in 2009. This work focussed on ... -
RiverPOP 2010. Measurement of trace contaminants in the Glomma River and some recommendations from RiverPOP projects (2008-2011)
Allan, I.; Bæk, K.; Kringstad, A.; Bratsberg, E.; Høgfeldt, A.; Ranneklev, S.; Harman, C.; Garmo, Ø. (NIVA-rapport;6126, Research report, 2011)An evaluation of the performance of a range of techniques for the measurement of the concentration of trace level organic contaminants was undertaken in the River Glomma during the period August-November 2010. This work ... -
Spredning av partikler og miljøgifter under deponering av masser
Schaanning, M.; Harman, C.; Alve, E. (NIVA-rapport;5501, Research report, 2007)Spredning av miljøgifter fra deponiområdet ved Malmøykalven ble undersøkt ved eksponering av passive prøvetakere i vannmassene i Indre Oslofjord i perioden 10.05.-12.06.2007. Spredningen av partikler ble samtidig sporet ... -
Water Column Monitoring 2009
Brooks, S.; Sundt, Rolf C.; Harman, C.; Farmen, E.; Grung, M.; Vingen, Sjur; Godal, Brit F.; Baršiené, Janina; Skarphéðinsdóttir, Halldóra (NIVA-rapport;5882, Research report, 2010)The report presents results from the Water Column Monitoring 2009, performed in collaboration between NIVA and IRIS, with sub-contractors. The objective of the survey was to assess the extent to which produced water ...