Browsing NIVA Open Access Archive by Author "Schaanning, Morten"
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
A mesocosm experiment on methyl mercury formation after cappingof U-864 sediments enriched with powdered algae
Ndungu, Kuria; Schaanning, Morten (NIVA-rapport;6867, Research report, 2015)A mesocosm experiment was performed on methylation of mercury in marine sediments from the wreck site at Fedje. The mercury contaminated sediment was enriched with zero, low, medium or high dose of labile organic carbon ... -
Beslutningsgrunnlag og tiltaksplan for forurensede sedimenter i Gunneklevfjorden
Olsen, Marianne; Schaanning, Morten; Eek, Espen; Næs, Kristoffer (NIVA-rapport;6922, Research report, 2015)Tiltaksplanens formål er å beskrive tiltak for å redusere risiko for spredning av miljøgifter, og for helse og miljø. De foreslåtte miljømålene for Gunneklevfjorden er 1) Vannmiljøet i Gunneklevfjorden skal bedres; 2) Livet ... -
Beslutningsgrunnlag og tiltaksplan for forurensede sedimenter i Gunneklevfjorden. Delrapport fra Aktivitet 4.Biotilgjengelighet av kvikksølv og dioksiner i sedimenter og effekter av behandling med aktivt kull
Schaanning, Morten; Olsen, Marianne; Ndungu, Kuria (NIVA-rapport;6796, Research report, 2015)Denne rapporten beskriver 1)sedimentmiljøet i Gunneklevfjorden målt med elektroder, 2) målinger av utlekking og bioakkumulering av kvikksølv, metylkvikksølv og klororganiske forbindelser (HCB, OCS og PCDD/F) og 3)effekter ... -
Bioavailability and bioaccumulation of perfluorinated compounds (PFAS) in a polluted river sediment
Schaanning, Morten; Rundberget, Thomas; Jenssen, Marthe Torunn Solhaug (NIVA-rapport;7472, Research report, 2020)An experiment was performed to contribute to the environmental risk assessment of the perfluorinated compounds (PFAS) in sediments collected nearby a closed down factory in Oppland, Norway. The sediments were placed in ... -
Effects of organic matter addition on methylmercury formation in capped and uncapped marine sediments
Ndungu, Kuria; Schaanning, Morten; Braaten, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In situ subaqueous capping (ISC) of contaminated marine sediments is frequently proposed as a feasible and effective mitigation option. However, though effective in isolating mercury species migration into overlying water, ... -
Environmental monitoring during survey by submarine U-864 outside Fedje in 2014
Øxnevad, Sigurd; Jaccard, Pierre Franqois; Skogan, Odd Arne Segtnan; Dahl, Ivar Martin; Staalstrøm, Andre; Schaanning, Morten (NIVA-rapport;6642, Research report, 2014)NIVA has done environmental monitoring during a survey by the wreck of submarine U-864 outside Fedje. The survey was done in January 2014 on the vessel Geosund from DOF Subsea Norway. The main task for NIVA was to monitor ... -
Field experiment on thin-layer capping in Ormefjorden and Eidangerfjorden; Benthic community analyses 2009-2011
Schaanning, Morten; Beylich, Bjørnar; Samuelsson, Göran; Raymond, Caroline; Gunnarsson, Jonas; Agrenius, Stefan (NIVA-rapport;6257, Research report, 2011)As part of the work towards a remediation plan for the Grenlandfjord area, thin cap test fields were established at 30 and 100 m depth in the outer Grenlandfjord in September 2009. One field was treated with crushed ... -
Guidelines and best available techniques for submarine tailings disposal in Norwegian fjords: Recommendations from the NYKOS project.
Ramirez-Llodra, Eva; Andersen, Guri Sogn; Bekkby, Trine; Brooks, Steven; Escudero-Oñate, Carlos; Gundersen, Hege; Schaanning, Morten; Trannum, Hilde Cecilie; Yakushev, Evgeniy; Baeten, Nicole; Lepland, Aivo; Ibragimova, Olga; Kleiv, Rolf Arne; Nepstad, Raymond; Muñoz, María; Høgaas, Helge; Sandøy, Roar (NIVA-rapport;7430, Research report, 2019)The NYKOS project aimed at addressing some of the main knowledge gaps on the environmental impacts of submarine tailing disposal (STD) to facilitate the development of techniques, practices and management measures that ... -
In vivo bioaccumulation of contaminants from historically polluted sediments - Relation to bioavailability estimates
Ruus, Anders; Allan, Ian; Øxnevad, Sigurd; Schaanning, Morten; Borgå, Katrine; Bakke, Torgeir Heggelund; Næs, Kristoffer (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Many contaminants are recalcitrant against degradation. Therefore, when primary sources have been discontinued, contaminated sediments often function as important secondary pollution sources. Since the management and ... -
Konsekvensanalyse for marint miljø av installasjon av sjøkabel på strekningen Sandvika – Varpet i Rognsfjorden
Walday, Mats Gunnar; Schaanning, Morten (NIVA-rapport, Research report, 2018)NIVA har undersøkt biologiske og sedimentkjemiske forhold i forbindelse med installasjon av sjøkabel på strekningen Sandvika – Varpet i Rognsfjorden, Bamble kommune. Det er stort sett fast sandbunn gjennom hele traseen, ... -
Mercury isotope analysis of sediments from Gunneklevfjorden – Method evaluation and a preliminary investigation of sources
Braaten, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg; Johnson, Nathan W; Clayer, Francois; Beylich, Bjørnar; Håvardstun, Jarle; Schaanning, Morten; Olsen, Marianne (NIVA-rapport;7417, Research report, 2019)Gunneklevfjorden in south Norway is an aquatic system where the pollution history includes decades of local industry releases and emissions. An accurate estimate of the importance of ongoing and historic sources is critical ... -
Mesocosm study with thermally treated (TCC) and water-based drill cuttings (WBM)
Trannum, Hilde Cecilie; Schaanning, Morten; Johansen, Joachim; Moodley, Leon; Westerlund, Stig; Baussant, Thierry (NIVA-rapport;7033, Research report, 2016)Mesocosm and bottle slurry experiments were conducted to assess and compare the effects of thermally treated cuttings (TCC) versus cuttings with water-based mud (WBM) on benthic communities. While WBM has been discharged ... -
Mesokosmos-forsøk med avgang fra Titania - effekt på bløtbunnsfauna
Trannum, Hilde Cecilie; Schaanning, Morten (NIVA-rapport;7223, Research report, 2017)Det er utført et mesokosmos-forsøk med gruveavgang fra Titania A/S, og den foreliggende rapporten har til hensikt å vurdere effekter på bløtbunnsfaunaen. Tilsetting av 2 cm avgangsmasser ga en betydelig reduksjon i tettheten ... -
Miljørisiko ved utslipp fra gruvevirksomhet på Stjernøy – en sammenfatning av tester utført i regi av forskningsprosjektet NYKOS.
Schaanning, Morten; Trannum, Hilde Cecilie; Brooks, Steven (NIVA-rapport;7464, Research report, 2020)Denne rapporten sammenfatter resultater av ulike tester med avgang fra Sibelcos gruvevirksomhet på Stjernøy, Finnmark, oppnådd under forskningsprosjektet NYKOS. Videre vurderes resultatene i sammenheng med overvåking av ... -
Miljørisikovurdering ved utslipp av renset prosessavløpsvann til Samlafjorden
Staalstrøm, Andre; Ranneklev, Sissel Brit; Schaanning, Morten; Mengeot, Caroline; Grung, Merete (NIVA-rapport;7457, Research report, 2020)For å redusere utslipp av gass til luft, skal Elkem Bjølvefossen installere nytt renseanlegg, som medfører endring i utslippstillatelse av prosessavløpsvann til sjø. Prosessavløpsvannet vil inneholde metaller, polyaromatiske ... -
Miljøundersøkelser i Bergsfjorden, Senja 2018
Schaanning, Morten; Beylich, Bjørnar; Borgersen, Gunhild; Gitmark, Janne Kim; Golmen, Lars Gunder; Moy, Siri Røang (NIVA-rapport;7292, Research report, 2018)For å vurdere miljøpåvirkning av avgang fra en grafittgruve ved Bergsfjorden på Senja, ble det gjennomført en undersøkelse av partikkelspredning i vannmassene ved utslippspunktet, metaller i sedimenter og blåskjell og ... -
Modeling Nickel Leaching from Abandoned Mine Tailing Deposits in Jøssingfjorden
Pakhomova, Svetlana; Yakushev, Evgeniy; Schaanning, Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Underwater disposal of mine tailings in lakes and seas has been considered favorable due to the geochemical stability obtained during long-term storage in anoxic sediments. Sulfides are stable in the ore; however, oxidation ... -
New insights into submarine tailing disposal for a reduced environmental footprint: Lessons learnt from Norwegian fjords
Ramirez-Llodra, Eva; Trannum, Hilde Cecilie; Andersen, Guri Sogn; Baeten, Nicole; Brooks, Steven; Escudero-Oñate, Carlos; Gundersen, Hege; Kleiv, Rolf Arne; Ibragimova, Olga; Lepland, Aivo; Nepstad, Raymond; Sandøy, Roar; Schaanning, Morten; Shimmield, Tracy; Yakushev, Evgeniy; Ferrando-Climent, Laura; Høgaas, Per Helge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Submarine tailing disposal (STD) in fjords from land-based mines is common practice in Norway and takes place in other regions worldwide. We synthesize the results of a multidisciplinary programme on environmental impacts ... -
Petroleum oil and mercury pollution from shipwrecks in Norwegian coastal waters
Ndungu, Kuria; Beylich, Bjørnar; Staalstrøm, Andre; Øxnevad, Sigurd; Berge, John A; Braaten, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg; Schaanning, Morten; Bergstrøm, Rune (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Worldwide there are tens of thousands of sunken shipwrecks lying on the coastal seabed. These potentially polluting wrecks (PPW) are estimated to hold 3–25 million t of oil. Other hazardous cargo in PPW includes ordnance, ... -
Repeated environmental baseline survey at AF Miljøbase Vats in conjugation with the Ekofisk cessation EPRD project
Beyer, Jonny; Kvassnes, Astri Jæger; Håvardstun, Jarle; Walday, Mats; Gundersen, Hege; Schaanning, Morten (NIVA-rapport;6879, Research report, 2015)In this study, the environmental contamination by AF Environmental Base Vats (AFEBV) was assessed before and after the facilities demolition activities in the Ekofisk cessation EPRD project. Seafloor debris and contaminant ...