Blar i NIVA Open Access Archive på forfatter "Meland, Sondre"
Microplastics in road dust – characteristics, pathways and measures
Vogelsang, Christian; Lusher, Amy; Dadkhah, Mona Eftekhar; Sundvor, Ingrid; Umar, Muhammad; Ranneklev, Sissel Brit; Eidsvoll, David; Meland, Sondre (NIVA-rapport;7526, Research report, 2020)The expected main contributors to road dust-associated microplastic particles (RAMP) are rubber compounds in tyre treads, polymers used to strengthen the bitumen used in road pavement and thermoplastic elastomers used in ... -
Microplastics in road dust – characteristics, pathways and measures
Vogelsang, Christian; Lusher, Amy L.; Dadkhah, Mona E.; Sundvor, Ingrid; Umar, Muhammad; Ranneklev, Sissel B.; Eidsvoll, David; Meland, Sondre (NIVA-rapport;7526, Research report, 2020)The expected main contributors to road dust-associated microplastic particles (RAMP) are rubber compounds in tyre treads, polymers used to strengthen the bitumen used in road pavement and thermoplastic elastomers used in ... -
Miljøovervåkning av bildekkrelevante forurensningsstoffer fra Huggenes støyvoll – Oppsummering fra fase II
Meland, Sondre; Brandt, Uta; Rødland, Elisabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Huggenes støyvoll langs E6 i Råde er bygd med bruk av kasserte bildekk. Støyvollen ble bygd tidlig på 2000-tallet og var en del av Statens vegvesen sitt «Gjenbruksprosjekt». I 2019 gjennomførte vi en større utlekkingstest ... -
Mobile trace elements in sediments from lakes Hawassa, Koka, and Ziway in the Ethiopian Rift Valley
Masresha, Alemayehu Esayas; Skipperud, Lindis; Gebremariam, Zinabu; Meland, Sondre; Salbu, Brit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The present work focuses on total concentrations of trace elements such as chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As), selenium (Se), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) and their ... -
A novel method for the quantification of tire and polymer-modified bitumen particles in environmental samples by pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectroscopy
Rødland, Elisabeth Strandbråten; Samanipour, Saer; Rauert, Cassandra; Okoffo, Elvis D.; Reid, Malcolm James; Heier, Lene S; Lind, Ole Christian; Thomas, Kevin V; Meland, Sondre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Tire and road wear particles may constitute the largest source of microplastic particles into the environment. Quantification of these particles are associated with large uncertainties which are in part due to inadequate ... -
Occurrence and trophic transport of organic compounds in sedimentation ponds for road runoff
Grung, Merete; Meland, Sondre; Ruus, Anders; Ranneklev, Sissel; Fjeld, Eirik; Kringstad, Alfhild; Rundberget, Jan Thomas; Cruz, Majbrit Dela; Christensen, Jan H (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Sedimentation ponds have been shown to accumulate several groups of contaminants, most importantly polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) and metals. But also, other urban organic pollutants have shown to be present, including ... -
Occurrence of tire and road wear particles in urban and peri-urban snowbanks, and their potential environmental implications
Rødland, Elisabeth Strandbråten; Lind, Ole Christian; Reid, Malcolm James; Heier, Lene Sørlie; Okoffo, Elvis D.; Rauert, Cassandra; Thomas, Kevin V; Meland, Sondre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)According to estimates put forward in multiple studies, tire and road wear particles are one of the largest sources to microplastic contamination in the environment. There are large uncertainties associated with local ... -
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: bioaccumulation in dragonfly nymphs (Anisoptera), and determination of alkylated forms in sediment for an improved environmental assessment
Girardin, Viviane; Grung, Merete; Meland, Sondre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Road runoff carries a mixture of contaminants that threatens the quality of natural water bodies and the health of aquatic organisms. The use of sedimentation ponds is a nature-based solution for the treatment of road ... -
Road de-icing salt: Assessment of a potential new source and pathway of microplastics particles from roads
Rødland, Elisabeth Strandbråten; Okoffo, Elvis D.; Rauert, Cassandra; Heier, Lene Sørlie; Lind, Ole Christian; Reid, Malcolm James; Thomas, Kevin V; Meland, Sondre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Roads are estimated to be the largest source of microplastic particles in the environment, through release of particles from tires, road markings and polymer-modified bitumen. These are all released through the wear and ... -
Road related pollutants induced DNA damage in dragonfly nymphs (Odonata, Anisoptera) living in highway sedimentation ponds
Meland, Sondre; Gomes, Tania; Petersen, Karina; Håll, Johnny; Lund, Espen; Kringstad, Alfhild; Grung, Merete (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Nowadays, stormwater sedimentation ponds are popular in stormwater management because of their ability to mitigate flooding and treat polluted runoff from e.g. roads. In addition, they may provide other ecosystem services ... -
Screening of Tire-Derived Chemicals and Tire Wear Particles in a Road Tunnel Wash Water Treatment Basin
Meland, Sondre; Granheim, Gina Marie; Rundberget, Thomas; Rødland, Elisabeth Strandbråten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Road tunnels play a crucial role in modern road networks, in both urban and non-urban areas, and necessitate frequent cleaning and washing due to the harsh tunnel environment. As a result, road tunnels are considered hot ... -
Storskala utlekkingstest av bildekkrelevante forurensningsstoffer fra Huggenes støyvoll (E6, Råde)
Meland, Sondre; Hultman, Maria Thérése; Georgantzopoulou, Anastasia; Petersen, Karina; Brandt, Uta; Kringstad, Alfhild; Rundberget, Jan Thomas; Grung, Merete (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Brukte bildekk utgjør et stort avfallsproblem. Dekk skal derfor gjenvinnes i form av ombruk, materialgjenvinning eller energiutnyttelse. Tidlig 2000-tall testet Statens vegvesen bruk av kasserte bildekk som byggemateriale ... -
Transcriptional changes in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) after embryonic exposure to road salt
Tollefsen, Knut Erik; Song, You; Kleiven, Merethe; Mahrosh, Urma; Meland, Sondre; Rosseland, Bjørn Olav; Teien, Hans-Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Road salt is extensively used as a deicing chemical in road maintenance during winter and has in certain areas of the world led to density stratifications in lakes and ponds, and adversely impacted aquatic organisms in the ... -
Unravelling reasons for variability in the OECD 306 marine biodegradation test
Wennberg, Aina Charlotte; Meland, Sondre; Grung, Merete; Lillicrap, Adam David (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The recommended test for assessing if a chemical can be biodegraded in the marine environment is performed according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Marine biodegradation test guideline (OECD ... -
Vannforekomsters sårbarhet for avrenningsvann fra vei under anleggog driftsfasen
Ranneklev, Sissel Brit; Jensen, Thomas Correll; Solheim, Anne Lyche; Haande, Sigrid; Meland, Sondre; Vikan, Hedda; Hertel-Aas, Turid; Kronvall, Kjersti Wike (NIVA-rapport;7029, Research report, 2016)Bygging og drift av vei kan påføre vannmiljøet en rekke ulike belastninger. Her har vi tatt for oss forurenset veivann fra anleggs- og driftsfasen som vil kunne forringe vannmiljøet. Ofte benyttes begrepet sårbar resipient ... -
Var forurensning fra utfyllingsarbeid ved Northern Lights landanlegg årsaken til at mye laks døde etter avlusning i oppdrettsanlegget Ljøsøy N?
Beyer, Jonny; Meland, Sondre; Hess-Erga, Ole-Kristian; Vogt, Rolf David; Drivdal, Magnus Bjørn; Thoen, Even; Åtland, Åse (NIVA-rapport;7904-2023, Research report, 2023)NIVA har på oppdrag fra Northern Lights’ landanlegg (NLL) utført en faglig vurdering av hendelsen der unormalt mye oppdrettslaks døde hos Blom Fiskeoppdrett (BF) etter en ferskvannsbehandling i brønnbåt i juni 2021. ... -
Vurdering av biotilgjengelighetsmodeller som verktøy for karakterisering av resipienters sårbarhet for metallforurensing fra veg
Garmo, Øyvind Aaberg; Hertel-Aas, Turid; Ranneklev, Sissel Brit; Meland, Sondre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Building, traffic and maintenance of road can lead to increased supply of metals to water bodies. The metals’ physico-chemical speciation and bioavilability toward aquatic organisms depend on water chemical variables such ...