• Analyse av mikroplast i marine sedimentprøver 

      Singdahl-Larsen, Cecilie; Consolaro, Chiara; Hjelset, Sverre (NIVA-rapport;7789-2022, Research report, 2022)
      Sedimentprøver, både overflateprøver fra det øverste laget (0-2 cm) av sedimentet og kjerneprøver (fra 0 til 30 cm), ble analysert for mikroplast på NIVA. Prøvene ble opparbeidet ved tetthetsseparasjon med natriumjodid ...
    • Development of a Norwegian monitoring program for Macroplastic and Litter 

      Falk-Andersson, Jannike; Lusher, Amy Lorraine; Haarr, Marthe Larsen; Rognerud, Idun; Hurley, Rachel; Hjelset, Sverre; Trubbach, Saskia (NIVA-rapport;7798-2022, Research report, 2022)
      The Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA) aims to strengthen environmental monitoring of macroplastic and litter pollution in Norway. Macroplastic and litter are items above 25 mm. Monitoring of litter in the Northern Fulmar ...
    • Interim report: Quantification of microplastic and plastic additives in water and fish in RAS (WP1) 

      Lusher, Amy Lorraine; Allan, Ian; Röhler, Laura; Snekkevik, Vilde Kloster; Collard, France; Hjelset, Sverre (NIVA-rapport;7961-2024, Report, 2024)
      Plastic material has been collected from three recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and their infrastructure. All plastic sources were analysed to identify their polymer and additive contents and a reference library ...
    • Microplastics in Norwegian coastal areas, rivers, lakes and air (MIKRONOR1) 

      Bavel, Bert van; Lusher, Amy Lorraine; Consolaro, Chiara; Hjelset, Sverre; Singdahl-Larsen, Cecilie; Buenaventura, Nina Tuscano; Röhler, Laura; Pakhomova, Svetlana; Lund, Espen; Eidsvoll, David; Herzke, Dorte; Nerland Bråte, Inger-Lise (NIVA-rapport;7811-2023, Research report, 2022)
      The Norwegian Environment Agency (Miljødirektoratet, NEA) tasked the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) to initiate Norway’s National microplastic monitoring program. The program “Microplastics in Norwegian ...