Blar i NIVA Open Access Archive på forfatter "Harju, Mikael"
Can plastic related chemicals be indicators of plastic ingestion in an Arctic seabird?
Collard, France; Tulatz, Felix; Harju, Mikael; Herzke, Dorte; Bourgeon, Sophie; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)For decades, the northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) has been found to ingest and accumulate high loads of plastic due to its feeding ecology and digestive tract morphology. Plastic ingestion can lead to both physical and ... -
Characterizing cytotoxic and estrogenic activity of Arctic char tissue extracts in primary Arctic char hepatocytes
Petersen, Karina; Hultman, Maria Thérése; Bytingsvik, Jenny; Harju, Mikael; Evenset, Anita; Tollefsen, Knut Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Contaminants from various anthropogenic activities are detected in the Arctic due to long-range atmospheric transport, ocean currents, and living organisms such as migrating fish or seabirds. Although levels of persistent ... -
Monitoring of environmental contaminants in freshwater ecosystems 2018 – Occurrence and biomagnification
Jartun, Morten; Økelsrud, Asle; Rundberget, Thomas; Enge, Ellen Katrin; Rostkowski, Pawel; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Harju, Mikael; Johansen, Ingar (NIVA-rapport;7397, Research report, 2019)This report studies the distribution and fate of contaminants such as mercury (Hg), cyclic volatile methylated siloxanes (cVMS: D4, D5, D6), brominated flame retardants (BFR, PBDEs), alkylphenols, organic phosphorous flame ... -
Monitoring of environmental contaminants in freshwater ecosystems 2019 – Occurrence and biomagnification
Jartun, Morten; Økelsrud, Asle; Rundberget, Thomas; Bæk, Kine; Enge, Ellen Katrin; Halse, Anne Karine; Götsch, Arntraut; Harju, Mikael; Johansen, Ingar (NIVA-rapport;7545, Research report, 2020)This program, «Monitoring of environmental contaminants in freshwater ecosystems and single species in large Norwegian lakes”, has covered sampling and determination of environmental contaminants by analyses of organisms ... -
Monitoring of environmental contaminants in freshwater ecosystems 2020 – Occurrence and biomagnification
Jartun, Morten; Økelsrud, Asle; Kildahl, Henriette; Øxnevad, Sigurd; Rundberget, Thomas; Bæk, Kine; Enge, Ellen Katrin; Halse, Anne Karine; Hanssen, Linda; Harju, Mikael; Johansen, Ingar (NIVA-rapport;7653, Research report, 2021)This program, «Monitoring of environmental contaminants in freshwater ecosystems and single species in large Norwegian lakes”, has covered sampling and determination of environmental contaminants by analyses of organisms ... -
Monitoring of environmental contaminants in freshwater food webs (MILFERSK) 2022
Jartun, Morten; Økelsrud, Asle; Bæk, Kine; Rundberget, Thomas; Øxnevad, Sigurd; Ruus, Anders; Grung, Merete; Enge, Ellen Katrin; Hanssen, Linda; Harju, Mikael; Johansen, Ingar (NIVA-rapport;7875-2023, Research report, 2023)Samples of a benthic food chain in Lake Mjøsa have been collected, and the concentrations of emerging contaminants such as Siloxanes, PFAS, UV-compounds, Quaternary Ammonium Compounds, Musks, Benzothiazoles and Chlorinated ... -
Screening programme 2013: New bisphenols, organic peroxides, fluorinated siloxanes, organic UV filters and selected PBT substances
Thomas, Kevin V; Schlabach, Martin; Langford, Katherine; Fjeld, Eirik; Øxnevad, Sigurd; Rundberget, Thomas; Bæk, Kine; Rostkowski, Pawel Marian; Harju, Mikael (NIVA-rapport;6696, Research report, 2014)The occurrence and environmental risk of a number of new bisphenols, organic peroxides, fluorinated siloxanes, organic UV filters and selected PBT substances are reported for wastewater effluents and leachates, as well as ... -
Screening Programme 2020, Part 1 and 2: Plastic Additives and REACH Compounds
Schlabach, Martin; van Bavel, Bert; Bæk, Kine; Dadkhah, Mona Eftekhar; Eikenes, Heidi; Halse, A.K.; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Reid, Malcolm James; Rostkowski, Pawel; Rundberget, Thomas; Baz-Lomba, Jose Antonio; Kringstad, Alfhild; Rødland, Elisabeth Strandbråten; Schmidbauer, Norbert; Harju, Mikael; Beylich, Bjørnar; Vogelsang, Christian (NIVA-rapport;7684-2021, Research report, 2022)I screening 2020 gjennomført av Norsk institutt for vannforskning (NIVA) og NILU-Norsk institutt for luftforskning i fellesskap ble det satt søkelys på forekomst og mulige miljøproblemer av 160 kjemikalier. Forbindelser ...