Browsing NIVA Open Access Archive by Author "Henriksen, A."
Now showing items 1-20 of 67
100-sjøers undersøkelsene i 1987 og 1988
Henriksen, A.; Lien, L.; Traaen, T.; Hesthagen, T. (NIVA-rapport;2345, Research report, 1989)På bakgrunn av "1000-sjøers undersøkelsen 1986" ble noen over 100 sjøer valgt ut for å dokumentere effekter av endringer i tilførsler av langtransporterte luftforurensninger. Mange av 1000-sjøene og flere av 100-sjøene er ... -
Application of the First-order Acidity Balance (FAB) model to Norwegian surface waters
Henriksen, A. (NIVA-rapport;3809, Research report, 1998)We have applied the First-order Acidity Balance (FAB) model and the Steady State Water Chemistry (SSWC) model to data from the Norwegian lake survey carried out in 1995, the Norwegian Critical Load database, the calibrated ... -
Barkopplag's betydning for drikkevannskvalitet
Henriksen, A. (NIVA-rapport;0156, Research report, 1966) -
Beregning av dagens og framtidig kalkbehov for innsjøer og lakseelver i Norge
Hindar, A.; Kroglund, F.; Wright, R.; Skjelkvåle, B.L.; Henriksen, A. (NIVA-rapport;5619, Research report, 2008)Forsuringssituasjonen i Norge har vært i raskt bedring over en periode på 20 år. Det har medført merkbare endringer i vannkjemien i innsjøer og elver. pH og syrenøytraliserende kapasitet (ANC) har økt og konsentrasjonen ... -
Bestemmelse av biokjemisk nedbrytbarhet i emulgatorer
Henriksen, A. (NIVA-rapport;0402, Research report, 1972) -
Betydningen av den nordatlantiske svingning (NAO) for sjøsaltepisoder og forsuring i vassdrag på Vestlandet og i Trøndelag
Hindar, A.; Tørseth, K.; Henriksen, A.; Orsolini, Y. (NIVA-rapport;4592, Research report, 2002)Bakgrunnen for dette arbeidet er sjøsaltepisoders betydning for vannkvaliteten (surhet og giftighet for fisk) i Vestlandsvassdrag og den sammenhengen det er mellom sjøsaltdeposisjon og uvær. Værforholdene i Europa og ... -
Betydningen av sjøsaltanriket nedbør i vassdrag og mindre nedbørfelt. Forsuring og fiskedød etter sjøsaltepisoden i januar 1993
Henriksen, A.; Hindar, A.; Tørseth, K.; Lien, L. (NIVA-rapport;2917, Research report, 1993)I februar og mars 1993 ble det rapportert om fiskedød i en rekke vann og vassdrag i Vest-Agder og i Hordaland, samt i klekkerier i Sogn og Fjordane. Fiskedøden fant sted etter en periode med uvanlig sterk vind, høy temperatur ... -
Binding grid cells - Norway An evaluation
Henriksen, A. (NIVA-rapport;3942, Research report, 1998)The quality of the critical load data for so-called "binding grid cells" in Norway has been checked. These are the following EMEP-grids (150km x 150 km): 16,20 16,21 16,30 17,19 17,20 and 18,21. Critical loads have been ... -
Buffering capacities and effects or river substrates during acidic episodes
Wathne, B.; Norton, S.; Henriksen, A. (NIVA-rapport;2718, Research report, 1992)Experimental work in specially made channels has shown that moss (Nardia compressa and Fontinalis dalecalica) exposed to running water act as buffering agents against pH variations, both up and down. Ion exchange (H+ for ... -
Chemistry of lakes in the Nordic region - Denmark, Finland with Åland, Iceland, Norway with Svalbard and Bear Island, and Sweden
Skjelkvåle, B.L.; Henriksen, A.; Jònsson, G.S.; Mannio, J.; Wilander, A.; Jensen, J.P.; Fjeld, E.; Lien, L. (NIVA-rapport;4391, Research report, 2001)This report presents the first common evaluation of water chemistry in the Nordic countries (except for the Faroe Islands and Greenland): Denmark, Finland including Åland, Iceland, Norway including Svalbard and Bear Island, ... -
Critical load exceedance and damage to fish populations
Hesthagen, T.; Henriksen, A. (NIVA-rapport;2900, Research report, 1993)To examine the relationship between the critical load exceedance and the damage to fish, the data for fish damage and water chemistry for 1000 lakes in Norway was used to derive the probability of damage to fish populations ... -
Critical load of acidity to surface waters in South-central Ontario Canada I. Application of the Steady State Water Chemistry (SSWC) model
Henriksen, A.; Dillon, Peter (NIVA-rapport;4427, Research report, 2001)The Steady-State Water Chemistry Model was applied to lakes in 5 regions in Ontario, Canada. Critical loads and exceedances calculated for the regions indicate that the portion of the lakes with exceedances dropped from ... -
Critical Load of Acidity to Surface Waters in Southcentral Ontorario, Canada
Aherne, J.; Posch, M.; Rusmir, C.; Dillon, P.; Henriksen, A. (NIVA-rapport;4567, Research report, 2002)The First-order Acidity Balance (FAB) model was applied to 291 lakes in the Muskoka river catchment in Ontario, Canada. Critical loads and exceedances calculated for the region indicate that the portion of the lakes with ... -
Critical loads and their exceedances for ICP-Waters sites (ICP Waters report 44/1998)
Henriksen, A.; Maximilian, P. (NIVA-rapport;3821, Research report, 1998-03)The International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes (ICP Waters) is designed to assess, on a regional basis, the degree and geographical extent of acidification of ... -
Critical loads for surface waters - chemical criteria for inputs of strong acids
Henriksen, A.; Lien, L.; Traaen, T. (NIVA-rapport;2466, Research report, 1990)Chemical criteria have been established for the critical loads of strong acids to surface waters in Norway. A complete set of data is available for all the counties with the exception of North Trøndelag, Nordland, Troms ... -
Critical loads of a acidity to surface waters - Svalbard
Henriksen, A.; Traaen, T. (NIVA-rapport;2941, Research report, 1993)Water samples from 162 sites from Svalbard and Bjørnøya were analysed. A precipitation map for Svalbard was prepared. Coloured maps of critical loads and exceedance of critical loads were made for inputs of strong acids. ... -
Critical loads of acidity to lakes in the Polish Tatra Mountains. A study of the yearly variations in the precipitation and water chemistry
Wathne, B.; Mill, W.A.; Henriksen, A.; Tørseth, K. (NIVA-rapport;2981, Research report, 1994)As part of the Agreement on Environmental Cooperation between Norway and Poland critical loads of acidity and their exceedance to two lakes in the Polish Tatra Mountains have been calculated after an extensive programme ... -
Critical loads of acidity to surface waters: A case study from the Polish Tatra Mountains
Henriksen, A.; Mill, W.A.; Kot, M.; Rzychon, D.; Wathne, B. (NIVA-rapport;2725, Research report, 1992)As part of the Agreement on Environmental Cooperation between Norway and Poland critical loads of acidity and their exceedance to lakes in the granitic area of the Polish Tatra Mountains have been estimated. Lake samples ... -
Effect of clear-cutting of forest on the chemistry of a shallow groundwater aquifer in southern Norway
Henriksen, A.; Kirkhusmo, L. (NIVA-rapport;4226, Research report, 2000)Clear-cutting of forests have pronounced effects on chemistry of soils and runoff water. The major effects are increased water yield, changes in nutrient cycles and increased leakage of the nutrients nitrate and potassium ... -
En undersøkelse av Sandvikselva ved Bjørnegårdsvingen 18/6-23/12 1968
Arnesen, R.T.; Berglind, L.; Hopen, T.; Henriksen, A.; Munthe-Kaas, H. (NIVA-rapport;0380, Research report, 1972)