Blar i NIVA Open Access Archive på forfatter "Nesheim, Ingrid"
A proposal for an administrative set up of river basin management in the Sittaung River Basin
Tun, Zaw Lwin; Ni, Bo; Tun, Sein; Nesheim, Ingrid (NIVA-rapport;7103, Research report, 2016)The purpose of this report is to present a proposal for how an administrative approach based on River Basin Management can be implemented in Myanmar. The Sittaung River Basin has been used as an example area to investigate ... -
Alna – kunnskapssammenstilling og mulighetsstudie
Nesheim, Ingrid; Moe, Therese Fosholt; Ranneklev, Sissel Brit; Furuseth, Ingvild Skumlien (NIVA-rapport;7529, Research report, 2020)Rapporten er en kunnskapssammenstilling om miljøtilstanden i Alna, med påvirkningsfaktorer og mulige løsninger for fremtidig restaurering. Det er et formål å bidra med kunnskapsgrunnlag for vannforskriftarbeidet, ... -
Bago River Sub-basin Management Plan
Nesheim, Ingrid; Myint, Zaw Win; Aung, Toe Toe; Tun, Zaw Lwin; Ni, Bo; Friberg, Nikolai (NIVA-rapport;7290, Research report, 2018)The report presents the “Bago River Sub-basin Management Plan” a plan which has been prepared by the Bago River Sub-basin Committee, with input from the Bago Non-governmental Stakeholder Group during the period of 2016 - ... -
Bruk av indikatorer og verdielementer for å synliggjøre og vurdere nytte i regulerte vassdrag
Nesheim, Ingrid; Barkved, Line (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Nyttevurdering er en obligatorisk del av konsekvensutredning i vannkraftutviklingsprosjekter, og relevant i revisjon av miljøvilkår og i tiltaksvurderinger. En viktig målsetning er å få frem informasjon om hvilke aktører ... -
Characterization of the Bago Sub-basin Pilot implementing the EU Water Framework Directive
Eriksen, Tor Erik; Nesheim, Ingrid; Friberg, Nikolai; Aung, Toe Toe; Myint, Zaw Win (NIVA-rapport;7194, Research report, 2017)The aim of this report is to characterize the Bago Sub-basin, located in the Bago Region in the south-central part of Myanmar. The report presents the different characterization steps, including methods for identifying ... -
Comparing three approaches to estimating optimum white water kayak flows in Western Norway
Zinke, Peggy; Sandvik, Dag; Nesheim, Ingrid; Seifert-Dähnn, Isabel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: Modern water management strategies aim to assess the impact of water regulation alternatives on all relevant ecosystem services, including white water (WW) recreation. Therefore it is important to estimate the ... -
Complex waste management in Myanmar: role of the actors, relationships, and social capital
Nesheim, Ingrid; Szulecka, Julia; Phoo, May Thazin; Nøklebye, Emmy; San, Kyaw Min (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Adequate waste management is a pressing global problem that undermines sustainability efforts in many countries. Controlling solid waste, recycling, and reducing waste including plastics, are essential policy objectives. ... -
Diverse land use and the impact on (Irrigation) water quality and need for measures - A case study of a Norwegian river
Johannessen, Gro Skøien; Wennberg, Aina Charlotte; Nesheim, Ingrid; Tryland, Ingun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Surface water is used for irrigation of food plants all over the World. Such water can be of variable hygienic quality, and can be contaminated from many different sources. The association of contaminated irrigation water ... -
En oversikt over metoder for nyttevurdering av interesser og aktiviteter i regulerte vassdrag
Nesheim, Ingrid; Barkved, Line Johanne; Seifert-Dähnn, Isabel; Sundnes, Frode (NIVA-rapport;7220, Research report, 2017)Rapporten bidrar med en oversikt og en gjennomgang av ulike metoder for å dokumentere nytte av aktiviteter, opplevelser og interesser i vassdrag regulert for kraftproduksjon. Vi fokuser også på nyttevurdering av goder fra ... -
Environmental objectives and abatement measures for a healthy Bago River, A contribution to the Bago River Sub-basin Management Plan
Nesheim, Ingrid; Myint, Zaw Win; Friberg, Nikolai; Karlsson, Marianne; Mg, Eai Chit Thu; Aung, Toe Toe (NIVA-rapport;7271, Research report, 2018)This report is a deliverable of the project, IWRM, Institutional Building and Training, a collaborative effort by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) and the Norwegian Institute for ... -
Evaluering av bekkeåpningsprosjekter med naturbaserte løsninger i Alnas nedbørsfelt
Nesheim, Ingrid; Furuseth, Ingvild Skumlien; Barkved, Line Johanne (NIVA-rapport;7852-2023, Research report, 2023)På nasjonalt nivå, i Nasjonal strategi for restaurering av vassdrag 2021 – 2030, er det en tydelig ambisjon om å gjenåpne urbane lukkede bekke- og elvestrekninger. I Oslo kommune, er det en like tydelig politisk målsetning ... -
Forprosjekt: Institusjonsbygging innen vannforvaltning i Myanmar. Rapport fra perioden juli 2014 – januar 2015.
Wathne, Bente Margrethe; Ballot, Andreas; Christiansen, Anne Bjørkenes; Blakseth, Tomas Adler; Mjelde, Marit; Nesheim, Ingrid; Selvik, John Rune (NIVA-rapport;6788, Research report, 2015)I januar 2014 ble tre prosjektforslag under miljøprogrammet mellom Myanmar og Norge, hvor NIVAs samarbeid om vannforvaltning inngår, levert UD/Ambassaden i Yangon. Prosjektforslagene ble evaluert av et eget team våren 2014. ... -
Forprosjekt: Institusjonsbygging innen vannforvaltning i Myanmar. Rapport fra perioden juli – desember 2013.
Wathne, Bente Margrethe; Thaulow, Håkon; Berge, Dag; Lichtenthaler, Rainer; Blakseth, Tomas Adler; Christiansen, Anne Bjørkenes; Nesheim, Ingrid; Ballot, Andreas (NIVA-rapport; 6627, Research report, 2014)NIVA har i løpet av siste halvdel av 2013 besøkt Miljø- og skogdepartementet (MOECAF) i Myanmar to ganger, og har hatt god kontakt med nøkkelpersoner for vårt samarbeid. På bakgrunn av befaringer og møter i Nay Pyi Taw ... -
Hvordan kan regulerte vassdrag tilrettelegges for flerbruk? Et studie av vassdragsfunksjoner og brukerpreferanser
Nesheim, Ingrid; Sundnes, Frode; Barkved, Line (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Artikkelen setter fokus på elvas funksjonalitet for elvepadling og fiske, og bruker disse brukerinteressene til å vise at kjennskap til brukernes preferanser er viktig for godt flerbruk i vassdraget. Det geografiske fokuset ... -
Hydropower in Norway. An overview of key tools for planning, licensing, environmental impacts and mitigation measures
Thaulow, Haakon; Nesheim, Ingrid; Barkved, Line (NIVA-rapport;7065, Research report, 2016)The report deals with HP management issues in Norway to provide a basis for exchange of experiences. The focus and level of detail in the report is based on dialogue with the Bulgarian partners to ensure relevance. The ... -
Integrated Water Resources Management in Myanmar. Water usage and introduction to water quality criteria for lakes and rivers in Myanmar. Preliminary report.
Mjelde, Marit; Ballot, Andreas; Swe, Thida; Eriksen, Tor Erik; Nesheim, Ingrid; Aung, Toe Toe (NIVA-rapport;7163, Research report, 2017)The purpose of the report is to present some first recommendation for the development of Myanmar ecological quality criteria using the system of the EU Water Framework Directive (EU WFD) as baseline, with main focus on the ... -
Multi-Actor Platforms in the Water–Agriculture Nexus: Synergies and Long-Term Meaningful Engagement
Nesheim, Ingrid; Sundnes, Frode; Enge, Caroline; Graversgaard, Morten; van den Brink, Cors; Farrow, Luke; Glavan, Matjaž; Hansen, Birgitte; Leitão, Inês A.; Rowbottom, Jenny; Tendler, Linda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Solutions to current complex environmental challenges demand the consultation and involvement of various groups in society. In light of the WFD’s requirements of public participation, this paper presents an analysis of the ... -
The Myanmar Norway Environmental Programme’s Capacity building achievements
Nesheim, Ingrid; Adam, Hans Nicolai; Ballot, Andreas; Braaten, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg; Bæk, Kine; Hansen, Jan-Petter; Husby, Vibeke; Karstensen, Kåre Helge; Saha, Palash Kumar; Wedul, Camilla Frøseth (NIVA-rapport;7966-2024, Research report, 2024)This report presents the key capacity building achievements resulting from the Myanmar Norway Environment Programme (2015-2018, and 2019-2023). The programme, a bilateral collaboration, between institutions of the Governments ... -
Pilot introducing the river basin management approach in Sittaung River Basin/Myanmar
Nesheim, Ingrid; Tun, Zaw Lwin; Aung, Toe; Nwe, Hla Oo (Professional article, 2017)An important aim of the IWRM Institutional Building and Training project is to pilot test the river basin management approach in Myanmar. The purpose is to investigate how cooperation between different sectors on river ... -
Piloting the river basin management in the Bago Sub-basin Area, experiences and recommendations
Nesheim, Ingrid; Karlsson, Marianne; Myint, Zaw Win; Aung, Toe Toe; Tun, Zaw Lwin; Nwe, Hla Oo (NIVA-rapport;7304, Research report, 2018)The aim of the IWRM project has been to pilot the development of a coordinated River Basin Management Plan. The report presents the procedures applied and the experiences gained as part of this pilot in the Bago River ...