Blar i NIVA Open Access Archive på forfatter "Schaanning, M."
A mesocoms experiment on the impacts of water- and olefin-based drill cuttings on benthic communities
Schaanning, M.; Trannum, H.; Øxnevad, S. (NIVA-rapport;5342, Research report, 2007)A three months simulated seabed experiment on water- and olefin-based drill cuttings has been performed at NIVAs Marine Research Station at Solbergstrand. Twelve box-core samples were transferred from 200 m depth in the ... -
Bioavailability of heavy metals in drilling muds
Schaanning, M.; Ruus, A.; Bakke, T.; Hylland, Ketil; Olsgard, Frode (NIVA-rapport;4571, Research report, 2002)Experimental work on uptake of metals from sediments spiked with barite, ilmenite and hematite were performed using the ragworm Nereis diversicolor and the netted dog whelk Hinia (Nassarius) reticulata as test organisms. ... -
Bioavailability of metals in weight materials for drilling muds
Schaanning, M.; Ruus, A.; Bakke, T.; Hylland, K.; Olsgard, F. (NIVA-rapport;4597, Research report, 2002)Bioaccumulation of metals from various weight materials used in drilling muds was determined after 28 days exposure of polychaetes (Nereis diversicolor) and gastropodes (Hinia (Nassarius) reticulata) to spiked sediments. ... -
Biodegradation of Anco Green Novaplus Drilling Muds on Cuttings Deposited in Benthic Chambers
Schaanning, M.; Hylland, K.; Lichtenthaler, R.; Rygg, B. (NIVA-rapport;3475, Research report, 1996)Discharge of drilling fluids attached to bore hole cuttings may affect the benthic environment on the deposition sites in the North Sea. The effects may vary according to dose and properties of the base fluid and other ... -
Biodegradation of Esters and Olefins in Drilling Mud Deposited on Arctic soft-bottom communities in a low-temperature Mesocosm
Schaanning, M.; Lichtenthaler, R.; Rygg, B. (NIVA-rapport;3760, Research report, 1997)Discharge of chemicals from off-shore drilling operations represent a matter of concern for the oil industry and pollution control authorities world-wide. As the industry expands towards higher latitudes and greater depths, ... -
Biodegradation of Ultidril Base Fluid and Drilling Mud on Cuttings Deposited in Benthic Chambers
Schaanning, M. (NIVA-rapport;3321, Research report, 1995)Synthetic drilling fluids have replaced much of the mineral oil previously used in mud systems for offshore drilling operations The cmemicals are entered into the North Sea environment attached to bore hole cuttings, which ... -
Biotilgjengelighet av Hg, Cd, PCB og DDT under reoksidasjon av anoksiske sedimenter fra Drammensfjorden
Schaanning, M. (NIVA-rapport;3827, Research report, 1998)Tiltak mot eutrofiering vil kunne gjenopprette tilfredstillende oksygenforhold i mange sedimenter som har vært anoksiske i en periode med store utslipp av både næringssalter og miljøgifter. Potensialet for overføring av ... -
Bløtbunnsudersøkelser ved oppdrettslokaliteter. Delstudie 1 i prosjektet FROAN-SCENARIER
Schaanning, M.; Nilsson, H.; Håvardstun, J.; Bekkby, T. (NIVA-rapport;5679, Research report, 2008)Denne rapporten er en delstudie, og flere rapporter om miljøtilstanden i Froan følger senere. Sjøbunnen i Froan ble undersøkt med et sedimentprofilkamera (SPI) som tar bilder og måler redokspotensial, hydrogensulfid og pH ... -
Clark Island Sediment Remediation - Effects of a granular cap on metal fluxes
Schaanning, M.; Aanes, K.; Røyset, O. (NIVA-rapport;5096, Research report, 2005)The Clark Island remediation site is located in Francis Lake, St. Lawrence River. Capping is the selected remediation option considered for a ten ha area along the northern shores of the island where the sediments are ... -
Denitrification in the water column of an intermittently anoxic fjord
Kristiansen, S.; Schaanning, M. (NIVA-rapport;4000, Research report, 1999)Dentrification was measured in the Bunnefjord in the Inner Oslofjord using a 15N technique. High denitrification rates were found in a density gradient in the oxic-anoxic interface. Maximum in situ denitrification rate was ... -
Dioxins associated with suspended particulate matter- in the Grenlandsfjords (Norway)
Allan, I.; Schaanning, M.; Beylich, B. (NIVA-rapport;6144, Research report, 2011)Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and octachlorostyrene (OCS) concentrations were measured in suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples collected at three sites across the ... -
Distribution of sediment properties in coastal areas adjacent to fish farms and environmental evaluation of five locations surveyed in Oktober 1993
Schaanning, M. (NIVA-rapport;3102, Research report, 1994)Analyses of various chemical properties in sediments collected in various projects during the period 1984 - 93 was reviewed to establish characteristic environmental gradients at fish farm locations. The multiple property ... -
Dypvannsdeponi Malmøykalven. Undersøkelser av partikkel- og miljøgiftspredning under prøvedumping
Schaanning, M.; Bjerkeng, B.; Helland, A.; Høkedal, J.; Sørensen, K. (NIVA-rapport;5221, Research report, 2006)Forurensete sedimenter fra Oslo havn skal mudres og deponeres på 70 m dyp ved Malmøykalven, Indre Oslofjord. I mudringsperioden vil det daglig bli deponert 2-3 lekterlass eller 1000-2000 m3 masser/døgn. Denne rapporten ... -
E18 mellom Festningstunnelen og Ekebergtunnelen
Schaanning, M.; Bjerkeng, B.; Magnusson, J.; Sundfjord, A. (NIVA-rapport;4250, Research report, 2000)En senketunnel gjennom Bjørvika og Bispevika vil redusere vannutskiftingen i områdene innenfor tunneltraseen. Målsettingen med dette arbeidet har vært å vurdere eksisterende planforslag og foreslå mulige tiltak for å sikre ... -
Environmental Fate of Synthetic Drilling fluids from Off-shore Drilling Operations - An Experimental Study of an Olefin-, Ether- and Ester-Based Mud System on Cuttings Deposited in Benthic Chambers
Schaanning, M. (NIVA-rapport;3429, Research report, 1996)Synthetic drilling fluids have replaced much of the mineral oil previously used in mud systems for off-shore drilling operations. The chemicals are entered into the North Sea environment attached to bore hole cuttings, ... -
Environmental impacts of water based drilling mud - a pilot study
Schaanning, M.; Øxnevad, S.; Uriansrud, F. (NIVA-rapport;4946, Research report, 2005)A pilot test on waterbased drilling mud has been performed at NIVAs Marine Research Station at Solbergstrand. 15 cores with different thickness of drill cuttings were incubated for a period of 25 days, during which O2 ... -
Evaluation of Overall Marine Impact of the Novadril Mud Systems
Schaanning, M. (NIVA-rapport;3260, Research report, 1995)The recent increase of discharges of synthetic drilling fluids from offshore drilling operations have caused environmental concern with regard to possible effects on benthic ecosystems. The present report is a review of ... -
Evaluation of the environmental impact from flue gas seawater scrubbing at the Qatalum aluminium smelter in Qatar
Bakke, T; Yakushev, E.; Schaanning, M.; Brooks, S. (NIVA-rapport;5982, Research report, 2010)NIVA has made a revised EIA of the Qatalum scrubber effluent to the sea. The receiving water masses are highly dynamic with current velocities up to 60 cm/s and 1,5 m tidal range. The seafloor ecosystems have low diversity ... -
Evaluering av langtidsprogram for overvåking av miljøforholdene i kystvannet i Bohuslän
Bakke, T.; Braaten, B.; Hylland, K.; Johnsen, T.; Magnusson, J.; Knutzen, J.; Moy, F.; Schaanning, M.; Walday, M. (NIVA-rapport;3640, Research report, 1997)NIVA har evaluert langtidsprogrammet for miljøovervåking som gjennomføres av VVF O-län langs Bohuslänkysten. Evalueringen skal danne et av grunnlagene for revisjon av programmet i 1977. Programmet er meget omfattende i ... -
Field experiment on thin-layer capping in Ormefjorden and Eidangerfjorden, Telemark. Functional response and bioavailability of dioxins 2009-2011
Schaanning, M.; Allan, I. (NIVA-rapport;6285, Research report, 2012)As part of a research project to examine the effects of thin capping, test fields were established at 30 and 100 m depth in the outer Grenlandfjord in September 2009. One field was treated with crushed limestone, one field ...