Blar i NIVA Open Access Archive på forfatter "Thorstad, Eva Bonsak"
Assessment of risk and risk-reducing measures related to the introduction and dispersal of the invasive alien carpet tunicate Didemnum vexillum in Norway
Järnegren, Johanna; Gulliksen, Bjørn; Husa, Vivian; Malmstrøm, Martin; Oug, Eivind; Berg, Paul Ragnar; Bryn, Anders; Geange, Sonya Rita; Hindar, Kjetil; Hole, Lars Robert; Kausrud, Kyrre Linné; Kirkendall, Lawrence Richard; Nielsen, Anders; Sandercock, Brett Kevin; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Velle, Gaute (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Didemnum vexillum is colonial sea squirt, a marine species which originates from the northwest Pacific; it was first recorded in Norway in November 2020. Didemnum vexillum is an alien species, meaning that it is a species ... -
Assessment of the risk to Norwegian biodiversity from private import and keeping of Northern Cardinal. Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Biodiversity of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment
Kirkendall, Lawrence Richard; Bryn, Anders; Flø, Daniel; Malmstrøm, Martin; Velle, Gaute; Berg, Paul Ragnar; Geange, Sonya Rita; Hindar, Kjetil; Kausrud, Kyrre Linné; Sandercock, Brett Kevin; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Nielsen, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)VKM has evaluated the risk to biodiversity from allowing private import and keeping of the Northern Cardinal as a caged bird in Norway, for birds acquired through the bird trade. VKM has reviewed the invasion ecology of ... -
Assessment of the risks posed by domestic cats (Felis catus) to biodiversity and animal welfare in Norway
Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Braastad, Bjarne Olai; Dale, Svein; Dervo, Børre Kind; Kausrud, Kyrre Linné; Kirkendall, Lawrence Richard; Malmstrøm, Martin; Mejdell, Cecilie Marie; Rueness, Eli Knispel; Berg, Paul Ragnar; Bryn, Anders; Eldegard, Katrine; Geange, Sonya Rita; Hindar, Kjetil; Nielsen, Anders; Sandercock, Brett Kevin; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Velle, Gaute (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)VKM has evaluated to what extent keeping of cats pose a risk to biodiversity in Norway. Risks were assessed separately for threats to biodiversity from direct predation, indirect (non-lethal) effects, competition with other ... -
Impacts of salmon lice on mortality, marine migration distance and premature return in sea trout
Serra Llinares, Rosa Maria; Bøhn, Thomas; Karlsen, Ørjan; Nilsen, Rune; Freitas, Carla; Albretsen, Jon; Haraldstad, Tormod; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Elvik, Kristine Marit Schrøder; Bjørn, Pål Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Brown trout Salmo trutta (L.) is a facultative anadromous species, where a portion of individuals in populations with access to the sea perform migrations to use the richer feeding resources. We investigated the effect of ... -
Påvirkes laksesmolt av aluminium i brakkvann?Telemetriundersøkelser i Storelva i Holt, Aust-Agder,2007
Kroglund, Frode; Høgberget, Rolf; Haraldstad, Tormod; Økland, Finn; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Teien, Hans-Christian; Rosseland, Bjørn Olav; Salbu, Brit; Nilsen, Tom Ole; Stefansson, Sigurd Olav; Guttrup, Jim (NIVA-rapport;6245, Research report, 2011)Storelva har vært fullkalket siden 1996. Kalkingen har ikke gitt den forventede økningen i fangst av laks. Vassdraget avviker således fra erfaringene man har fra andre kalka elver på Sørlandet. Flere hypoteser er ... -
Påvirkes laksesmolt av aluminium i brakkvann?Telemtriundersøkelser Storelva i Holt, Aust-Agder,2008
Kroglund, Frode; Høgberget, Rolf; Haraldstad, Tormod; Økland, Finn; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Teien, Hans-Christian; Rosseland, Bjørn Olav; Salbu, Brit; Nilsen, Tom Ole; Stefansson, Sigurd Olav; Guttrup, Jim (NIVA-rapport;6246, Research report, 2011)Fangsten av laks i Storelva i Holt er lavere enn forventet. Flere hypoteser er forkastet. De senere årene har fokus vært på: vil aluminium i brakkvann kunne hemme smoltens utvandring fra elv til hav? I 2007 og 2008 ... -
Predation of Atlantic salmon across ontogenetic stages and impacts on populations
Falkegård, Morten; Lennox, Robert; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Einum, Sigurd; Fiske, Peder; Garmo, Øyvind Aaberg; Garseth, Åse Helen; Skoglund, Helge; Solberg, Monica Favnebøe; Utne, Kjell Rong; Vollset, Knut; Vøllestad, Leif Asbjørn; Wennevik, Vidar; Forseth, Torbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Managers and stakeholders increasingly ask whether predation is a driving force behind the poor status of many species, and whether predator control is likely to be a successful management action to intervene. We review ... -
The major threats to Atlantic salmon in Norway
Forseth, Torbjørn; Barlaup, Bjørn Torgeir; Finstad, Bengt; Fiske, Peder; Gjøsæter, Harald; Falkegård, Morten; Hindar, Atle; Mo, Tor Atle; Rikardsen, Audun H.; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Vøllestad, Leif Asbjørn; Wennevik, Vidar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is an economically and culturally important species. Norway has more than 400 watercourses with Atlantic salmon and supports a large proportion of the world’s wild Atlantic salmon. Atlantic ...