Browsing NIVA Open Access Archive by Title
Now showing items 2371-2390 of 8311
ICP Waters 20 year with monitoring effects of long-range transboundary air pollution on surface waers in Europe and North-America (ICP Waters report 94/2008)
(NIVA-rapport;5684, Research report, 2008-10) -
ICP Waters Programme Manual 2010 (ICP Waters Report 105/2010)
(NIVA-rapport;6074, Research report, 2010-12) -
Iddefjorden og dens forurensningsproblem. Notat. Situasjonsanalyse pr. 1 des. 1969
(NIVA-rapport;0265, Research report, 1970) -
Iddefjorden og dens forurensningsproblemer. Notat nr.2 Forslag til plan for undersøkelser i 1971-1972
(NIVA-rapport;0287, Research report, 1970) -
Iddefjorden og dens forurensningsproblemer. Rapport nr 2. Situasjonsrapport pr 1/12-1969
(NIVA-rapport;0261, Research report, 1970) -
Identification and quantification of selected plastics in biosolids by pressurized liquid extraction combined with double-shot pyrolysis gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The identification and quantification of selected plastics (polystyrene (PS), polycarbonate (PC), poly-(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyethylene (PE) and polyvinyl ... -
Identification of 24-O-β-d-Glycosides and 7-Deoxy-Analogues of Okadaic Acid and Dinophysistoxin-1 and -2 in Extracts from Dinophysis Blooms, Dinophysis and Prorocentrum Cultures, and Shellfish in Europe, North America and Australasia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Two high-mass polar compounds were observed in aqueous side-fractions from the purification of okadaic acid (1) and dinophysistoxin-2 (2) from Dinophysis blooms in Spain and Norway. These were isolated and shown to be ... -
Identifikation af potentielt velegnede områder for genetablering af stenrev i de sydøstlige dele af Storebælt
(NIVA-rapport;6913, Research report, 2015)Formålet med denne rapport og de gennemførte analyser har været at udpege områder i det sydøstlige Storbælt, hvor der potentielt kan etableres stenrev. Baggrund for arbejdet har været et ønske fra Slagelse Kommune om på ... -
Identifying discontinuities of flood frequency curves
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Discontinuities in flood frequency curves, here referred to as flood divides, hinder the estimation of rare floods. In this paper we develop an automated methodology for the detection of flood divides from observations and ... -
Igangkjøring av Hekni Kraftverk Undersøkelser av partikkkeleffekter på vannkjemi, Byglandsfjordbleke og vassdragsøkologi
(NIVA-rapport;3519, Research report, 1996)Under igangkjøring av det nybygde Hekni Kraftverk i Otra høsten 1995 er det foretatt registreringer og analyser av vann fra Otra, eksperimentell eksponering av bleke, taksering av villfisk og innsamling av bunndyr i ... -
Igangkjøring av Hekni Kraftverk. Del I. Konsekvensanalyse av partikkelforurensning
(NIVA-rapport;3228, Research report, 1995)Igangkjøringen av Hekni kraftverk høsten 1995 vil medføre utvasking av finstoff fra kraftverkstunnelen, og partikkelforurensning av Otravassdraget nedstrøms Langeid. Partiklenes skadepotensiale overfor fisk er vurdert ut ... -
Igangkjøring av Hekni Kraftverk. Delrapport II. Eksponering av bleke for partikulært materiale fra kraftverkstunnelen
(NIVA-rapport;3369, Research report, 1995)Det er foretatt en eksponering av egg og yngel av bleke (ferskvannslaks) fra Byglandsfjord i vann fra Otra tilsatt forskjellige konsentrasjoner av steinstøv fra Hekni kraftverkstunnel. Eksponeringen ble vesentlig utført i ... -
Igjengroingsproblemet i Prestvatnet, Tromsø. Vannmassens kjemiske og biologiske natur
(NIVA-rapport;0085, Research report, 1963) -
Ikke-hjemmehørende arter i marine områder
(NIVA-rapport;7658, Research report, 2021)Denne rapport omhandler ikke-hjemmehørende arter i de danske farvande og består af to dele. Den første vedrører en opdate-ring af den nationale liste over ikke-hjemmhørende arter i de danske farvande – også kaldet NIS-listen. ... -
Immunohistochemical localization of inflammatory cells and cell cycle proteins in the gills og Loma salmonae infected rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Microsporidial gill diseases particularly those caused by Loma salmonae incur significant economic losses to the salmonid aquaculture industry. The gill responses to infection include the formation of xenomas and the acute ... -
Impact of an icy winter on the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, 1793) populations in Scandinavia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is an invasive species that has dispersed into Scandinavia during the last few decades. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of extreme winter conditions on the ... -
Impact of CO2 leakage from sub-seabed carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) reservoirs on benthic virus-prokaryote interactions and functions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Atmospheric CO2 emissions are a global concern due to their predicted impact on biodiversity, ecosystems functioning, and human life. Among the proposed mitigation strategies, CO2 capture and storage, primarily the injection ... -
Impact of environmental factors on aquatic biodiversity in roadside stormwater ponds
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Constructed stormwater ponds mitigate runoff volumes and pollution, and provide other ecosystem services, such as supporting biodiversity, but these services attracted relatively less attention. The impacts of the pollution ... -
Impact of inflow conditions on activated sludge filterability and membrane bioreactor (MBR) operational performance
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Operation and performance of MBRs for wastewater treatment is influenced by changes in activated sludge properties. Therefore, understanding of the factors influencing sludge filterability is of major importance for efficient ... -
The Impact of Methane Seepage on the Pore-Water Geochemistry across the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)East Siberian Arctic Shelf, the widest and the shallowest shelf of the World Ocean, covering greater than two million square kilometers, has recently been shown to be a significant modern source of atmospheric methane ...