Browsing NIVA Open Access Archive by Title
Now showing items 2049-2068 of 8334
Frigivelse av PAH fra Forurenset sjøbunn
(NIVA-rapport;2667, Research report, 1991)For å undersøke hvorvidt og i hvilken grad PAH frigis fra forurenset sjøbunn ble uforstyrrede utsnitt av bunnen fra Oslo-, Sauda- og Sunndalsfjorden plassert i et eksperimentsoppsett hvor vann fra 0 meters dyp i Oslofjorden ... -
Friluftsliv - og andre utendørs aktiviteter i Krutågas nedbørfelt Kraftutbygging - konsesjons-avgjørende undersøkelser
(NIVA-rapport;2174, Research report, 1988)Det er utført en konsekvensanalyse av planlagt vannkraft-utbygging i Krutåga som er et vassdrag i Hattfjelldal kommune, Nordland fylke. Området er av lokal og til dels regional verdi for friluftslivet. En utbygging etter ... -
Friluftsliv på sjø i Drøbaksundet. En sammenstilling av informasjon om vannbasert friluftsliv innen influensområdet til den planlagte broen over Drøbaksundet
(NIVA-rapport;2391, Research report, 1990)Rapporten gir en sammenstilling av eksisterende tilgjengelig informasjon om friluftsliv på sjø innen influensområdet til den planlagte broen over Drøbaksundet. Informasjonen skal tjene som grunnlag for forvaltningens ... -
Frisk Oslofjord. Undersøkelser på grunt vann - med utprøving av ny teknologi
(NIVA-rapport;7642, Research report, 2021)Prosjektet Frisk Oslofjord skal samle kunnskap som skal gi grunnlag for bærekraftig forvaltning, styrking av de marine ressursene og det marine miljøet. NIVAs del i arbeidet omfattet utprøving av ny teknologi for undersøkelser ... -
From Arctic Science to Global Policy – Addressing Multiple Stressors Under the Stockholm Convention
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Rapid climate change in the Arctic triggers the remobilization of chemical pollution, increasing its exposure and potential impacts in the region. While scientific knowledge on multiple stressors, including the interlinkages ... -
From Arctic Science to International Law: The Road towards the Minamata Convention and the Role of the Arctic Council
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The Minamata Convention, which entered into force on 16 August 2017, is a global, legally binding instrument on mercury. The initiative on the Minamata Convention was mainly driven by research showing negative effects on ... -
From Centroided to Profile Mode: Machine Learning for Prediction of Peak Width in HRMS Data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Centroiding is one of the major approaches used for size reduction of the data generated by high-resolution mass spectrometry. During centroiding, performed either during acquisition or as a pre-processing step, the mass ... -
From Conventional Disinfection to Antibiotic Resistance Control—Status of the Use of Chlorine and UV Irradiation during Wastewater Treatment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Extensive use of antibiotics for humans and livestock has led to an enhanced level of antibiotic resistance in the environment. Municipal wastewater treatment plants are regarded as one of the main sources of antibiotic-resistant ... -
From Green to Red: Horizontal Gene Transfer of the Phycoerythrin Gene Cluster between Planktothrix Strains
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Horizontal gene transfer is common in cyanobacteria, and transfer of large gene clusters may lead to acquisition of new functions and conceivably niche adaption. In the present study, we demonstrate that horizontal gene ... -
From greening to browning: Catchment vegetation development and reduced S-deposition promote organic carbon load on decadal time scales in Nordic lakes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Increased concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), often labelled “browning”, is a current trend in northern, particularly boreal, freshwaters. The browning has been attributed to the recent reduction in sulphate ... -
From meta-system theory to the sustainable management of rivers in the Anthropocene
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Regional-scale ecological processes, such as the spatial flows of material, energy, and organisms, are fundamental for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in river networks. Yet these processes remain largely ... -
From Molecular Descriptors to Intrinsic Fish Toxicity of Chemicals: An Alternative Approach to Chemical Prioritization
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The European and U.S. chemical agencies have listed approximately 800k chemicals about which knowledge of potential risks to human health and the environment is lacking. Filling these data gaps experimentally is impossible, ... -
From national monitoring to transnational indicators: reporting and processing of aquatic biology data under the European Environment Agency’s State of the Environment data flow
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Biological monitoring data from aquatic ecosystems are collected from European countries on a yearly basis by the European Environment Agency (EEA) through the Water Information System for Europe (WISE). The WISE-SoE (State ... -
(NIVA-rapport;0457, Research report, 1973) -
Full-skala verifisering av resultater fra pilotforsøk på Oset vannrenseanlegg
(NIVA-rapport;3618, Research report, 1997)Høsten 1996 var råvannet på Skullerud vannbehandlingsanlegg rentvannet fra Oset vannbehandlingsanlegg (luftet, mikrosilt og klorert. Dette ga en anledning til i full-skala å få vurdert om resultatene og konklusjonene fra ... -
A function-based typology for Earth’s ecosystems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)As the United Nations develops a post-2020 global biodiversity framework for the Convention on Biological Diversity, attention is focusing on how new goals and targets for ecosystem conservation might serve its vision of ... -
Functional biogeography: Stoichiometry and thresholds for interpreting nutrient limitation in aquatic plants
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Atmospheric N pollution may shift nutrient limitations in aquatic autotrophs from N to P or cause an intensification of P limitation in formerly pristine areas. Small changes in nutrient supply in oligotrophic lakes and ... -
Funksjonelle egenskaper ved bunndyrsamfunn i vassdrag – et mulig verktøy i fremtidig miljøovervåking?
(NIVA-rapport;6702, Research report, 2014)Fysisk-kjemiske endringer på en lokalitet kan spores gjennom forandringer i bunndyrsamfunnets funksjonelle og strukturelle sammensetning, og gi oss viktig informasjon om vassdragets helsetilstand. Taksonomisk basert biologisk ... -
Funksjonsspesifikasjon Aquamonitor Surveillance and Information Versjon 1 og 2
(NIVA-rapport;6631, Research report, 2014)Spesifikasjonen baserer seg på hva som allerede fantes i NIVAs system Aquamonitor og hva som var mulig å utføre i ENSIS. Spesifikasjonen som er gitt her kan være ufullstendig. Den er gitt punktvis og til dels i en ... -
Future monitoring of litter and microplastics in the Arctic – challenges, opportunities and strategies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) has published a plan and guidelines for the monitoring of litter and microplastics (MP) in the Arctic. Here we look beyond suggestions for immediate monitoring and ...