Artificial pumping of seawater in fjords. A preliminary feasibility study of a self-sustained diffusive pump
Research report
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- NIVA-rapporter [7012]
A previous theoretical study showed that it is possible to generate and maintain a significant flow of seawater inside specifically coiled tubes that vertically extends across the pycnocline in stratified waters such as fjords. This report focus on possible applications of this principle, by means of the "diffusive pump". It describes the different environments in which the pump may be used and how the pump may act to change the oceanographic conditions there. Electricity production is one application, but the report elaborates more on other uses, such as on stimulated the vertical convection and water exchange, improving water quality, and various use in aquaculture. Seperate small-scale tank tests of the pump have recently been successfully performed at Dartmouth College in the USA, and it is suggested that more joint research and follow-up test, including a prototype test in a fjord, should be the next steps, following this preliminary feasibility study.