Overview of test-systems and other information relevant for evaluating harmful effects in the marine environment from the use of anti-fouling paints on ships
The International maritime Organization (IMO) has agreed to a plan to implement a ban on the use of organotin for antifouling on large ships. One element in this plan was to establish a mechanism for addressing and evaluating antifouling systems other than those based on organotin. It was agreed that the mechanism for addressing antifouling systems should include a list of restricted antifouling systems. An expert group established by IMO will review proposals aiming at an inclusion of an antifouling agent/system on this list. The environmental data available to the experts will be of a composite nature covering physical/chemical properties, toxicity tests and community related observations in experimental ecosystems (mesocosms) and in the field. Understanding the full environmental relevance of different types of test results is difficult, even for experts. This report is meant to be a guide to how different types of test results and observations can be evaluated but is not intended as a ready to use manual on how to perform stringent evaluations It is anticipated that the report will be a contribution from Norwegian Maritime Directorate (NMD) to the efforts in IMO to establish methods for addressing and evaluating antifouling systems proposed to be included in the list of restricted substances.
Årsliste 2000