Now showing items 3763-3782 of 8177

    • Muggruva, Holtålen. Kartlegging av forurensningstransport (The Mugg mine, Holtålen municipality. Assessment of pollution load.) 

      Arnesen, R.T.; Berg, Å. (NIVA-rapport;3450, Research report, 1996)
      I 1994/95 ble det gjennomført en undersøkelse av forurensningstransport ved den nedlagte Muggruva i Holtålen kommune. Gruva tilhørte Røros Kobberverk og ble nedlagt i 1919 etter 150 års drift. Det foregår fortsatt transport ...
    • Muggsopp og bakterier i interne drikkevannsledninger. Forsøk med bruk av små PEX-rør for å studere vekst og overlevelse i biofilm 

      Tryland, I.; Hageskal, Gunhild; Bomo, A.; Skaar, Ida (NIVA-rapport;6046, Research report, 2010)
      Det ble gjennomført forsøk i små PEX-rør for å studere biofilmvekst i interne drikkevannsledninger i hushold og næringsmiddelbedrifter. Det ble benyttet ulike vannkvaliteter: råvann (fra Oset/Skullerud), klorert råvann, ...
    • Mulig bruk av folkeforskning og nettdugnad i vannforvaltningen 

      Barkved, Line Johanne; Furuseth, Ingvild Skumlien; Langaas, Sindre (NIVA-rapport;7459, Research report, 2020)
      Involvering av allmenheten i miljøforvaltningsaktiviteter gjennom folkeforskning og nettdugnad øker i omfang i Europa. Miljødirektoratet ønsket derfor å få en vurdering av potensiale for bruk av folkeforskning og nettdugnad ...
    • Mulige effekter av veisalting på Mjåvatn/Molandsvatn i Gjerstad og Risør kommuner 

      Kaste, Ø. (NIVA-rapport;4138, Research report, 1999)
      Det er planlagt en 2 km lang motorveistrekning gjennom nedbørfeltet til de hittil uberørte innsjøene i Mjåvatn og Molandsvatn i Aust-Agder. Denne rapporten inneholder en vurdering av mulige effekter fra veisalting på ...
    • Mulige områder i kystsonen i Spind i Farsund kommune for oppdrett og havbeite - Overordnet vurdering 

      Lange, G.; Rosten, T.; Fjellheim, A. (NIVA-rapport;5848, Research report, 2009)
      NIVA har på oppdrag fra Farsund kommune gjennomført en utredning av mulige områder for akvakultur og eller havbeite i kystsonen Spind. Grunnet tids- og budsjettramme ble utredningen gjort som et skrivebordsstudie, der ingen ...
    • Mulighetskartlegging for kystbaserte næringer i Agder 

      Frigstad, Helene; Dahl, Einar; Moy, Frithjof Emil; Næs, Kristoffer; Knutsen, Jan Atle; Kaste, Øyvind (NIVA-rapport;7164-2017, Research report, 2017-06)
      I Agder er det et sterkt ønske fra kystkommunene om å tilrettelegge for blå vekst i regionen, men for å realisere dette målet er det behov for faktisk kunnskap om hvilke muligheter havet gir – og utelukker – langs hele ...
    • Mulighetskartlegging for kystbaserte næringer i Østfold 

      Kaste, Øyvind; Dahl, Einar; Gaeta, Federico Håland; Hess-Erga, Ole-Kristian; Johnsen, Kathrine Ivsett; Kildahl, Henriette Othilie Bøe; Steen, Henning; Albretsen, Jon (NIVA-rapport;7517, Research report, 2020)
      En rekke utredninger og strategidokumenter, både på internasjonalt og nasjonalt nivå, peker på at det er et stort potensial for økt vekst og verdiskaping knyttet til marine næringer. Viken fylkeskommune og kommunene langs ...
    • Multi-Actor Platforms in the Water–Agriculture Nexus: Synergies and Long-Term Meaningful Engagement 

      Nesheim, Ingrid; Sundnes, Frode; Enge, Caroline; Graversgaard, Morten; van den Brink, Cors; Farrow, Luke; Glavan, Matjaž; Hansen, Birgitte; Leitão, Inês A.; Rowbottom, Jenny; Tendler, Linda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Solutions to current complex environmental challenges demand the consultation and involvement of various groups in society. In light of the WFD’s requirements of public participation, this paper presents an analysis of the ...
    • Multi-laboratory validation of a new marine biodegradation screening test for chemical persistence assessment 

      Ott, Amelie; Martin, Timothy J.; Acharya, Kishor; Lyon, Delina Y.; Robinson, Nik; Rowles, Bob; Snape, Jason R.; Still, Ian; Whale, Graham F.; Albright, Vurtice C.; Bäverbäck, Petra; Best, Nicola; Commander, Ruth; Eickhoff, Curtis; Finn, Sarah; Hidding, Björn; Maischak, Heiko; Sowders, Katherine A.; Taruki, Masanori; Walton, Helen E.; Wennberg, Aina Charlotte; Davenport, Russell J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Current biodegradation screening tests are not specifically designed for persistence assessment of chemicals, often show high inter- and intra-test variability, and often give false negative biodegradation results. Based ...
    • Multi-year inter-laboratory exercises for the analysis of illicit drugs and metabolites in wastewater: Development of a quality control system 

      van Nuijs, Alexander L.N.; Lai, Foon Yin; Been, Frederic; Andres-Costa, Maria Jesus; Barron, Leon; Baz-Lomba, Jose Antonio; Berset, Jean-Daniel; Benaglia, Lisa; Bijlsma, Lubertus; Burgard, Dan; Castiglioni, Sara; Christophoridis, Christophoros; Covaci, Adrian; de Voogt, Pim; Emke, Erik; Fatta-Kassinos, Despo; Fick, Jerker; Hernandez, Felix; Gerber, Cobus; González-Mariño, Iria; Grabic, Roman; Gunnar, Teemu; Kannan, Kurunthachalam; Karolak, Sara; Kasprzyk-Hordern, Barbara; Kokot, Zenon; Krizman-Matasic, Ivona; Li, Angela; Li, Xiqing; Löve, Arndis S.C.; Lopez de Alda, Miren; McCall, Ann-Kathrin; Meyer, Markus R.; Oberacher, Herbert; O'Brien, Jake; Quintana, Jose Benito; Reid, Malcolm James; Schneider, Serge; Simoes, Susana Sadler; Thomaidis, Nikolaos S.; Thomas, Kevin V; Yargeau, Viviane; Ort, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Thirty-seven laboratories from 25 countries present the development of an inter-laboratory testing scheme for the analysis of seven illicit drug residues in standard solutions, tap- and wastewater. Almost 10 000 concentration ...
    • A multibiomarker approach in the caged neotropical fish to assess the environment health in a river of central Brazilian Cerrado 

      dos Santos Silva, Douglas; Gonçalves, Bruno; Carvalho Rodrigues, Cândido; Cirqueira Dias, Felipe; Silvestre de Souza Trigueiro, Nicholas; Soares Moreira, Izabella; de Melo e Silva, Daniela; Maria Teixeira Sabóia-Morais, Simone; Gomes, Tania; Lopes Rocha, Thiago (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Water safety is a world-wide concern and several efforts have been made in order to ensure the conservation of aquatic ecosystems. Water quality monitoring must be performed with an integrated approach using biomonitor ...
    • A multilevel dataset of microplastic abundance in the world’s upper ocean and the Laurentian Great Lakes 

      Isobe, Atsuhiko; Azuma, Takafumi; Cordova, Muhammad Reza; Cózar, Andrés; Galgani, Francois; Hagita, Ryuichi; Kanhai, La Daana; Imai, Keiri; Iwasaki, Shinsuke; Kako, Shin’ichro; Kozlovskii, Nikolai; Lusher, Amy L; Mason, Sherri A; Michida, Yutaka; Mituhasi, Takahisa; Morii, Yasuhiro; Mukai, Tohru; Popova, Anna; Shimizu, Kenichi; Tokai, Tadashi; Uchida, Keiichi; Yagi, Mitsuharu; Zhang, Weiwei (Journal article, 2021)
      A total of 8218 pelagic microplastic samples from the world’s oceans were synthesized to create a dataset composed of raw, calibrated, processed, and gridded data which are made available to the public. The raw microplastic ...
    • Multiomics Point of Departure (moPOD) Modeling Supports an Adverse Outcome Pathway Network for Ionizing Radiation 

      Song, You; Zheng, Keke; Brede, Dag Anders; Gomes, Tania; Xie, Li; Kassaye, Yetneberk Ayalew; Salbu, Brit; Tollefsen, Knut-Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      While adverse biological effects of acute high-dose ionizing radiation have been extensively investigated, knowledge on chronic low-dose effects is scarce. The aims of the present study were to identify hazards of low-dose ...
    • Multiple-stressor effects of warming and acidification on the embryonic development of an estuarine fiddler crab 

      Pardo, Juan CF; Costa, Tânia M (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Predicted effects of anthropogenic climate change on estuarine and coastal organisms are complex, and early life history stages of calcified ectotherms are amongst the most sensitive groups. Despite the importance of ...
    • Multiplex PCR for the simultaneous detection of the Enterobacterial gene wecA, the Shiga Toxin genes (stx1 and stx2) and the Intimin gene (eae) 

      Anglès d'Auriac, Marc B; Sirevåg, Reidun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The aetiology of several human diarrhoeas has been increasingly associated with the presence of virulence factors rather than with the bacterial species hosting the virulence genes, exemplified by the sporadic emergence ...
    • Multitrophic biodiversity patterns and environmental descriptors of sub-Arctic lakes in northern Europe 

      Lau, Danny C.P.; Christoffersen, Kirsten S.; Erkinaro, Jaakko; Hayden, Brian; Heino, Jani; Hellsten, Seppo; Holmgren, Kerstin; Kahilainen, Kimmo Kalevi; Kahlert, Maria; Karjalainen, Satu Maaria; Karlsson, Jan; Forsström, Laura; Lento, Jennifer; Mjelde, Marit; Ruuhijärvi, Jukka; Sandøy, Steinar; Schartau, Ann Kristin; Svenning, Martin; Vrede, Tobias; Goedkoop, Willem (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      1. Arctic and sub-Arctic lakes in northern Europe are increasingly threatened by climate change, which can affect their biodiversity directly by shifting thermal and hydrological regimes, and indirectly by altering landscape ...
    • Municipal Solid Waste Fly Ash-Derived Zeolites as Adsorbents for the Recovery of Nutrients and Heavy Metals—A Review 

      Vogelsang, Christian; Umar, Muhammad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Though fly ash from the incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW-FA) is considered hazardous waste, its huge and increasing volumes and potential value due to high concentrations of salts and heavy metals such as copper ...
    • The Myanmar Norway Environmental Programme’s Capacity building achievements 

      Nesheim, Ingrid; Adam, Hans Nicolai; Ballot, Andreas; Braaten, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg; Bæk, Kine; Hansen, Jan-Petter; Husby, Vibeke; Karstensen, Kåre Helge; Saha, Palash Kumar; Wedul, Camilla Frøseth (NIVA-rapport;7966-2024, Research report, 2024)
      This report presents the key capacity building achievements resulting from the Myanmar Norway Environment Programme (2015-2018, and 2019-2023). The programme, a bilateral collaboration, between institutions of the Governments ...
    • MyLake (v.1.1): Technical model documentation and user's guide for version 1.1 

      Saloranta, T.; Andersen, T. (NIVA-rapport;4838, Research report, 2004)
      MyLake (Multi-year simulation model for Lake thermo- and phytoplankton dynamics) is a one-dimensional process-based model code for simulation of daily 1) vertical distribution of lake water temperature and thus stratification, ...
    • Myllavassdraget i Lunner kommune. Overvåkning av vannkvalitet i 2006 

      Løvik, J. (NIVA-rapport;5431, Research report, 2007)
      Innsjøene Viggeren og Belteren hadde god vannkvalitet mht. virkninger av næringssalter og var lite påvirket av tarmbakterier i 2006. Konsentrasjonene av fosfor og nitrogen var lave. Algemengden målt som klorofyll-a var ...