• A Bayesian Belief Network learning tool integrates multi-scale effects of riparian buffers on stream invertebrates 

      Forio, Marie Anne Eurie; Burdon, Francis J.; De Troyer, Niels; Lock, Koen; Witing, Felix; Baert, Lotte; De Saeyer, Nancy; Rîșnoveanu, Geta; Popescu, Cristina; Kupilas, Benjamin; Friberg, Nikolai; Boets, Pieter; Johnson, Richard K.; Volk, Martin; McKie, Brendan G.; Goethals, Peter L.M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Riparian forest buffers have multiple benefits for biodiversity and ecosystem services in both freshwater and terrestrial habitats but are rarely implemented in water ecosystem management, partly reflecting the lack of ...
    • Beach litter sources around Nuuk, Greenland: An analysis by UArctic summer school graduate course students 

      Haarr, Marthe Larsen; Bach, Lis; Chambers, Catherine P.; Falk-Andersson, Jannike; Juul-Pedersen, Thomas; Metcalfe, Ryan d'Arcy; Sinisalo, Anna Katariina; Strand, Jakob; Svendsen, Helene; Baak, Julia E.; Björnsdóttir, Helga Hvanndal; Brenner, Elsa Margaret Krook; Christiansen, Sigrid; Delattre, Cécilia; Gauthier, Maeva; Georgiou, Rachel Helen; Günther, Ljuba; Hägg, Fanny; Markussen, Ulunnguaq; Parga Martínez, Karla Berenice; le Pevedic, Arnaud; Refosco, Alice; Tandberg, Bror Kristian Raanaas; Tulatz, Felix; Van Broeck, Silke; Visser, Nathan Thomas; Wittwer, Louise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Modeling studies illustrate the potential for long-range transport of plastics into the Arctic, although the degree to which this occurs remains relatively undocumented. We utilised a teaching exercise at a UArctic summer ...
    • Befolkningsstatistikk og vannområder En tilrettelegging av data for bruk i vannforvaltning 

      Selvik, John Rune (NIVA-rapport;7362, Research report, 2019)
      Befolkningsstatistikk på 250 x 250 m rutenett vedlikeholdes av SSB, men i denne rapporten er slike data fordelt og aggregert på vannområder og de minste offisielle nedbørfeltene i Norge (NVE/reginefelter). NIVA anbefaler ...
    • Behavioural response of brown trout (Salmo trutta) to total dissolved gas supersaturation in a regulated river 

      Lennox, Robert J.; Thiemer, Kirstine; Vollset, Knut Wiik; Pulg, Ulrich; Stranzl, Sebastian; Nilsen, Cecilie Iden; Haugen, Thrond Oddvar; Velle, Gaute (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Total dissolved gas supersaturation from dams and power stations is a chronic freshwater pollutant that is toxic to animals with aquatic respiration. Laboratory ecotoxicology experiments have revealed capacity for captive ...
    • Benthic algal vegetation in Isfjorden, Svalbard 

      Fredriksen, Stein; Gabrielsen, Tove M.; Kile, Maia Røst; Sivertsen, Knut (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Benthic algal vegetation was investigated at 10 sites in Isfjorden, Svalbard. Five sites were visited during summer 2010 and five during summer 2012. Both the littoral and sublittoral vegetation were sampled, the littoral ...
    • Benthic Communities on the Mohn’s Treasure Mound: Implications for Management of Seabed Mining in the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge 

      Ramirez-Llodra, Eva; Hilário, Ana; Paulsen, Emil; Costa, Carolina; Bakken, Torkild; Johnsen, Geir; Rapp, Hans Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The Mohn’s Treasure, described as an inactive sulfide mound, was discovered at 2,600- m depth on the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR) in 2002. In 2015, we conducted the first biological survey of Mohn’s Treasure using remotely ...
    • Benthic community status and mobilization of Ni, Cu and Co at abandoned sea deposits for mine tailings in SW Norway 

      Schaanning, Morten Thorne; Trannum, Hilde Cecilie; Øxnevad, Sigurd; Ndungu, Kuria (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      During 1960–94 tailings from an ilmenite mine in southwest Norway were placed in sea deposits in a sheltered fjord and a more exposed coastal basin. In 2015 both deposit sites were sampled to assess the state of metal ...
    • Benthic Diatom Communities in Urban Streams and the Role of Riparian Buffers 

      Mutinova, Petra Thea; Kahlert, Maria; Kupilas, Benjamin; McKie, Brendan G.; Friberg, Nikolai; Burdon, Francis J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Urbanization impacts stream ecosystems globally through degraded water quality, altered hydrology, and landscape disturbances at the catchment and riparian scales, causing biodiversity losses and altered system functioning. ...
    • Benzoylurea pesticides used as veterinary medicines in aquaculture: Risks and developmental effects on nontarget crustaceans 

      Macken, Ailbhe; Lillicrap, Adam David; Langford, Katherine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Diflubenzuron and teflubenzuron are benzoylureas that are used in aquaculture to control sea lice. Flubenzurons have low toxicity to many marine species such as fish and algae but by their nature are likely to have significant ...
    • Beregning av nåværende og framtidig tilførsel og konsentrasjon av nitrogen og fosfor for vannområdene i vannregion Agder 

      Hindar, Atle; Selvik, John Rune; Christiansen, Anne Bjørkenes; Kaste, Øyvind (NIVA-rapport;6789, Research report, 2015)
      Klassifisering etter vannforskriften og tiltaksanalyser krever god kunnskap om biologiske forhold og stoffkonsentrasjon i vassdragene. Tiltaksanalyser må være basert på dokumentert fordeling av tilførsler mellom kjente ...
    • Beregninger og modelleringer av miljøeffekter i Sælenvatnet som følge av utvidelse av Sælenkanalen 

      Ledang, Anna Birgitta; Staalstrøm, Andre; Wallhead, Phil; Yakushev, Evgeny; Johnsen, Torbjørn M. (NIVA-Rapport;7061, Research report, 2016)
      I forbindelse med planleggingen av utvidelse av Sælenkanalen har det vært utført beregninger og modelleringer for å finne svar på hvilke effekter utvidelsen vil ha på miljøforholdene i Sælenvatnet. Som basis for arbeidet ...
    • Berlin statement on legacy and emerging contaminants in polar regions 

      Ebinghaus, Ralf; Barbaro, Elena; Bengtson Nash, Susan; de Avila, Cristina; De Wit, Cynthia A.; Dulio, Valeria; Felden, Janine; Franco, Antonio; Gandrass, Jürgen; Grotti, Marco; Herata, Heike; Hughes, Kevin A.; Jartun, Morten; Joerss, Hanna; Kallenborn, Roland; Koschorrek, Jan; Küster, Anette; Lohmann, Rainer; Wang, Zhanyun; MacLeod, Matthew; Pugh, Rbecca; Rauert, Caren; Slobodnik, Jaroslav; Sühring, Roxanna; Vorkamp, Katrin; Xie, Zhiyong (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Polar regions should be given greater consideration with respect to the monitoring, risk assessment, and management of potentially harmful chemicals, consistent with the requirements of the precautionary principle. Protecting ...
    • Beslutningsgrunnlag og tiltaksplan for forurensede sedimenter i Gunneklevfjorden 

      Olsen, Marianne; Schaanning, Morten; Eek, Espen; Næs, Kristoffer (NIVA-rapport;6922, Research report, 2015)
      Tiltaksplanens formål er å beskrive tiltak for å redusere risiko for spredning av miljøgifter, og for helse og miljø. De foreslåtte miljømålene for Gunneklevfjorden er 1) Vannmiljøet i Gunneklevfjorden skal bedres; 2) Livet ...
    • Beslutningsgrunnlag og tiltaksplan for forurensede sedimenter i Gunneklevfjorden. Delrapport fra Aktivitet 4.Biotilgjengelighet av kvikksølv og dioksiner i sedimenter og effekter av behandling med aktivt kull 

      Schaanning, Morten; Olsen, Marianne; Ndungu, Kuria (NIVA-rapport;6796, Research report, 2015)
      Denne rapporten beskriver 1)sedimentmiljøet i Gunneklevfjorden målt med elektroder, 2) målinger av utlekking og bioakkumulering av kvikksølv, metylkvikksølv og klororganiske forbindelser (HCB, OCS og PCDD/F) og 3)effekter ...
    • Best available technologies and treatment trains to address current challenges in urban wastewater reuse for irrigation of crops in EU countries 

      Rizzo, Luigi; Gernjak, Wolfgang; Krzeminski, Pawel; Malato, Sixto; McArdell, Christa S.; Sánchez Pérez, José Antonio; Schaar, Heidemarie; Fatta-Kassinos, Despo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Conventional urban wastewater treatment plants (UWTPs) are poorly effective in the removal of most contaminants of emerging concern (CECs), including antibiotics, antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance ...
    • Betydelig redusert utslipp fra prosessindustrien i Norge - Sanntids miljøovervåkning. Rapport fra forprosjekt. 

      Sayfritz, Stephen John; Schøyen, Merete; Hindar, Atle (NIVA-rapport;7332, Research report, 2019)
      In the course of the feasibility, and in dialog with industry, local government and research partners, it was decided to focus the main project on a “Holistic environmental pollutant accounting - realizing Norwegian and ...
    • Betydningen av indre bølger i Oslofjorden 

      Staalstrøm, Andre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Når kraftige strømmer passerer undersjøiske fjellrygger i en væske med vertikal tetthetssjiktning, dannes det indre bølger. Slike bølger dannes i Oslofjorden når tidevannsstrømmen passerer Drøbakterskelen. Disse indre ...
    • Big Question to Developing Solutions: A Decade of Progress in the Development of Aquatic New Approach Methodologies from 2012 to 2022 

      Langan, Laura M.; Paparella, Martin; Burden, Natalie; Constantine, Lisa; Margiotta-Casaluci, Luigi; Miller, Thomas H.; Moe, S. Jannicke; Owen, Stewart F.; Schaffert, Alexandra; Sikanen, Tiina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In 2012, 20 key questions related to hazard and exposure assessment and environmental and health risks of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the natural environment were identified. A decade later, this article ...
    • Bigger is not better: cortisol-induced cardiac growth and dysfunction in salmonids 

      Johansen, Ida Beitnes; Sandblom, Erik; Skov, Peter V.; Gräns, Albin; Ekström, Andreas; Lunde, Ida Gjervold; Vindas, Marco Antonio; Zhang, Lili; Höglund, Erik; Frisk, Michael; Sjaastad, Ivar; Nilsson, Göran Erik; Øverli, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Stress and elevated cortisol levels are associated with pathological heart growth and cardiovascular disease in humans and other mammals. We recently established a link between heritable variation in post-stress cortisol ...
    • Binding of waterborne pharmaceutical and personal care products to natural dissolved organic matter 

      Rizzuto, Simone; Baho, Didier Ludovic; Jones, Kevin C.; Zhang, Hao; Leu, Eva; Nizzetto, Luca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Information on how key environmental conditions such as natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) and water pH alter the possible risks posed by pharmaceuticals (PPCPs) is still scarce. In our previous study, the presence of ...