• Riparian Vegetation Structure Influences Terrestrial Invertebrate Communities in an Agricultural Landscape 

      Popescu, Cristina; Oprina-Pavelescu, Mihaela; Dinu, Valentin; Cazacu, Constantin; Burdon, Francis J.; Forio, Marie Anne Eurie; Kupilas, Benjamin; Friberg, Nikolai; Goethals, Peter; McKie, Brendan G.; Rîșnoveanu, Geta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Stream and terrestrial ecosystems are intimately connected by riparian zones that support high biodiversity but are also vulnerable to human impacts. Landscape disturbances, overgrazing, and diffuse pollution of agrochemicals ...
    • Rise of Turfs: A New Battlefront for Globally Declining Kelp Forests 

      Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Wernberg, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Kelp forests are structurally complex habitats, which provide valuable services along 25% of the world's coastlines. Globally, many kelp forests have disappeared and been replaced by turf algae over the last decade. Evidence ...
    • Risiko for forurensing av råvannet til Oppegård vannverk ved akuttutslipp til Gjersjøen 

      Aanes, Karl Jan; Tjomsland, Torulv; Tryland, Ingun; Vogelsang, Christian (NIVA-rapport;5932, Research report, 2010)
      Rapporten beskriver mulige farer for forurensing av råvannet til Oppegård vannverk i Akershus ved akutt utslipp til Gjersjøen. Det er lagt vekt på å studere virkninger av utslipp som følge av uhell på vei i forbindelse ...
    • Risikovurdering av miljøgifter i sedimenter ved Westcon Yards AS, Florø 

      Håvardstun, Jarle (NIVA-rapport;7370, Research report, 2019)
      Det ble foretatt sedimentprøvetaking fra sjøbunnen i områdene rundt Westcon Yards i 2018, med formål å gjennomføre en miljørisikovurdering av miljøgifter i sedimentene, samt for å se om miljøgiftinnholdet var redusert i ...
    • Risikovurdering og revidert tiltaksplan for sjøsedimentene i Vikkilen 

      Bakke, Torgeir Heggelund; Næs, Kristoffer (NIVA-rapport; 6688, Research report, 2014)
      På oppdrag fra Nymo AS har NIVA utarbeidet revidert tiltaksplan for sjøsedimentene i Vikkilen. Revisjonen er gjort på grunnlag av tidligere innsendt tiltaksplan (NIVA l.nr 6360-2012) og diskusjon mellom Miljødirektoratet ...
    • Riverine impacts on benthic biodiversity and functional traits: A comparison of two sub-Arctic fjords 

      McGovern, Maeve; Poste, Amanda E; Oug, Eivind; Renaud, Paul E; Trannum, Hilde Cecilie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Climate change is leading to increases in freshwater discharge to coastal environments with implications for benthic community structure and functioning. Freshwater inputs create strong environmental gradients, which ...
    • Riverine Inputs and Direct Discharges to Norwegian Coastal Waters - 2014 

      Skarbøvik, Eva; Allan, Ian; Stålnacke, Per; Hagen, Anders Gjørwad; Greipsland, Inga; Høgåsen, Tore; Selvik, John Rune; Beldring, Stein (NIVA-rapport;6929, Research report, 2015)
      Riverine inputs and direct discharges to Norwegian coastal waters in 2014 have been estimated in accordance with the OSPAR Commission’s principles. Nutrients, metals and organic pollutants have been monitored in rivers; ...
    • Riverine Inputs and Direct Discharges to Norwegian Coastal Waters - 2015 

      Skarbøvik, Eva; Allan, Ian; Stålnacke, Per; Høgåsen, Tore; Greipsland, Inga; Selvik, John Rune; Skancke, Liv Bente; Beldring, Stein (NIVA-rapport;7098, Research report, 2016)
      Riverine inputs and direct discharges to Norwegian coastal waters in 2015 have been estimated in accordance with the OSPAR Commission’s principles. Nutrients, metals and organic pollutants have been monitored in rivers; ...
    • Riverine Inputs and Direct Discharges to Norwegian Coastal Waters - 2016 

      Skarbøvik, Eva; Allan, Ian; Sample, James Edward; Greipsland, Inga; Selvik, John Rune; Schanke, Liv Bente; Beldring, Stein; Stålnacke, Per; Kaste, Øyvind (NIVA-rapport;7217, Research report, 2017)
      Riverine inputs and direct discharges to Norwegian coastal waters in 2016 have been estimated in accordance with the OSPAR Commission’s principles. Nutrients, metals and organic pollutants have been monitored in rivers; ...
    • Riverine inputs and direct discharges to Norwegian coastal waters – 2013 

      Skarbøvik, Eva; Austnes, Kari; Allan, Ian; Stålnacke, Per; Høgåsen, Tore; Nemes, Attila; Selvik, John Rune; Garmo, Øyvind Aaberg; Beldring, Stein (NIVA-rapport;6738, Research report, 2014)
      Riverine inputs and direct discharges to Norwegian coastal waters in 2013 have been estimated in accordance with the requirements of the OSPAR Commission. Nutrients, metals and organic pollutants have been monitored in ...
    • Riverine Plastic Monitoring during the Rainy Season in the Citarum Estuary of Muara Gembong 

      Husrin, S.; Hidayat, H.; Rahmadya, A.; Aisyah, S.; Hurley, Rachel; Braaten, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg; Olsen, Marianne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The restoration effort to clean up the river, known as "Citarum Harum" requires monitoring to estimate both the composition and the volumes of plastic pollution. The objective of the monitoring is to obtain a scientific ...
    • Road de-icing salt: Assessment of a potential new source and pathway of microplastics particles from roads 

      Rødland, Elisabeth Strandbråten; Okoffo, Elvis D.; Rauert, Cassandra; Heier, Lene Sørlie; Lind, Ole Christian; Reid, Malcolm James; Thomas, Kevin V; Meland, Sondre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Roads are estimated to be the largest source of microplastic particles in the environment, through release of particles from tires, road markings and polymer-modified bitumen. These are all released through the wear and ...
    • Road related pollutants induced DNA damage in dragonfly nymphs (Odonata, Anisoptera) living in highway sedimentation ponds 

      Meland, Sondre; Gomes, Tania; Petersen, Karina; Håll, Johnny; Lund, Espen; Kringstad, Alfhild; Grung, Merete (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Nowadays, stormwater sedimentation ponds are popular in stormwater management because of their ability to mitigate flooding and treat polluted runoff from e.g. roads. In addition, they may provide other ecosystem services ...
    • The Role of Coastal Yedoma Deposits and Continental Shelf Sediments in the Arctic Ocean Silicon Cycle 

      Ray, Nicholas E.; Martens, Jannik; Ajmar, Marco; Tesi, Tommaso; Yakushev, Evgeniy; Gangnus, Ivan; Strauss, Jens; Schirrmeister, Lutz; Semiletov, Igor; Wild, Birgit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The availability of silicon (Si) in the ocean plays an important role in regulating biogeochemical and ecological processes. The Si budget of the Arctic Ocean appears balanced, with inputs equivalent to outputs, though it ...
    • The Role of Independent Repair in a Circular and Regenerative Economy 

      Van Der Velden, Maja; Maitre-Ekern, Eléonore; Katland Wanja, Deborah (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The focus on the transition to a circular economy has contributed to a growing research interest in repair. This paper investigates the role of independent repair, which consists of individuals, organisations, or businesses ...
    • The role of photomineralization for CO2 emissions in boreal lakes along a gradient of dissolved organic matter 

      Allesson, Lina; Koehler, Birgit; Thrane, Jan-Erik; Andersen, Tom; Hessen, Dag O (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Many boreal lakes are experiencing an increase in concentrations of terrestrially derived dissolved organic matter (DOM)—a process commonly labeled “browning.” Browning affects microbial and photochemical mineralization ...
    • Roles for advisory science in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) 

      Linke, Sebastian; Nielsen, Kåre Nolde; Ramirez-Monsalve, Paulina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      What role should science take when providing advice in support of policy and politics? Should a provider of science-based advice have its own position on the issues it provides advise on? Or should it be as impartial as ...
    • Saltholdighet og oksygenforhold i Drammensfjorden 

      Staalstrøm, Andre (NIVA-rapport;7264, Research report, 2018)
      Saltholdighet i overflaten har vært målt mens det har vært trålet etter laksefisk i perioden 18. til 27. september 2017. Ved tråling i Sandebukta og i ytre Drammensfjorden utenfor Svelvik 18. september, var den høyeste ...
    • Same same, but different: The response of diatoms to environmental gradients in Fennoscandian streams and lakes – barcodes, traits and microscope data compared 

      Kahlert, Maria; Bailet, Bonnie; Chonova, Teofana; Karjalainen, Satu Maaria; Schneider, Susanne C.; Tapolczai, Kálmán (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We developed and compared the performance of freshwater benthic diatom indices calculated from (i) traditional morphological species identification, (ii) Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) obtained via DNA metabarcoding, ...
    • Sammendrag av miljøovervåkingen ved AF Miljøbase Vats for perioden 2009-2014 

      Beyer, Jonny; Kvassnes, Astri J.S.; Hobæk, Anders; Johnsen, Torbjørn Martin; Beylich, Bjørnar; Schaanning, Morten (NIVA-rapport;6825, Research report, 2015)
      During the period 2009-2014, NIVA has conducted environmental monitoring around the AF Miljøbase Vats (AFEBV) on behalf of the company. AFEBV is located on Raunes in Vindafjord municipality in Rogaland. The facility recycles ...