• Critical limits for surface water acidification in Norwegian critical loads calculation and Water Framework Directive classification 

      Austnes, Kari; Lund, Espen (NIVA-rapport;6741, Research report, 2014)
      The objective of this study was to compare the critical limits for surface water acidification used in the critical loads calculation under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and the EU Water ...
    • Critical loads and the MAGIC model. Evaluating the country-scale applications in Norway using data from the 2019 national lake survey 

      Austnes, Kari; Wright, Richard Frederic; Sample, James Edward; Clayer, Francois (NIVA-rapport;7557, Research report, 2020)
      The critical loads methodology used at the national scale in Norway and the MAGIC model as applied to the lakes in the national 1000-lake survey have been evaluated, making use of the data from the 2019 national lake survey. ...
    • Current Browning of Surface Waters Will Be Further Promoted by Wetter Climate 

      de Wit, Heleen A.; Valinia, Salar; Weyhenmeyer, Gesa A; Futter, Martyn N.; Kortelainen, Pirkko; Austnes, Kari; Hessen, Dag O; Raike, Antti; Laudon, Hjalmar; Vournenmaa, Jussi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Browning of surface waters because of increasing terrestrial dissolved organic carbon (OC) concentrations is a concern for drinking water providers and can impact land carbon storage. We show that positive trends in OC in ...
    • Current conditions in the Oslofjord. Focus on current strength along the bottom 

      Staalstrøm, Andre; Ghaffari, Peygham (NIVA-rapport;6799, Research report, 2015)
      The objective of this project has been to assess how strong the current conditions near the bottom can be in extreme cases. Extreme value analysis has been applied to current observations near the bottom at six stations ...
    • Current state of knowledge on biological effects from contaminants on arctic wildlife and fish 

      Dietz, Rune; Letcher, Robert J.; Desforges, Jean-Pierre; Eulaers, Igor; Sonne, Christian; Wilson, Simon; Andersen-Ranberg, Emilie; Basu, Niladri; Barst, Benjamin D.; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Bytingsvik, Jenny; Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej; Drevnick, Paul E.; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Haarr, Ane; Hylland, Ketil; Jenssen, Bjørn Munro; Levin, Milton; McKinney, Melissa A.; Nørregaard, Rasmus Dyrmose; Pedersen, Kathrine E.; Provencher, Jennifer; Styrishave, Bjarne; Tartu, Sabrina; Aars, Jon; Ackerman, Joshua T.; Rosing-Asvid, Aqqalu; Barrett, Rob; Bignert, Anders; Born, Erik W; Branigan, Marsha; Braune, Birgit; Bryan, Colleen E; Dam, Maria; Eagles-Smith, Collin A.; Evans, Marlene; Evans, Thomas J.; Fisk, Aaron T.; Gamberg, Mary; Gustavson, Kim; Hartman, C. Alex; Helander, Björn; Herzog, Mark P.; Hoekstra, Paul F.; Houde, Magali; Hoydal, Katrin; Jackson, Allyson K.; Kucklick, John; Lie, Elisabeth; Loseto, Lisa; Mallory, Mark L.; Miljeteig, Cecilie; Mosbech, Anders; Muir, Derek C.G.; Nielsen, Sanna Túni; Peacock, Elizabeth; Pedro, Sara; Peterson, Sarah H.; Polder, Anuschka; Rigét, Frank F.; Roach, Pat; Saunes, Halvor; Sinding, Mikkel Holger Strander; Skåre, Janneche Utne; Søndergaard, Jens; Stenson, Garry; Stern, Gary; Treu, Gabriele; Schuur, Stacy S.; Víkingsson, Gísli Arnór (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Since the last Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) effort to review biological effects of the exposure to organohalogen compounds (OHCs) in Arctic biota, there has been a considerable number of new Arctic ...
    • Current State of Microplastic Pollution Research Data: Trends in Availability and Sources of Open Data 

      Jenkins, Tia; Persaud, Bhaleka D.; Cowger, Win; Szigeti, Kathy; Roche, Dominique G.; Clary, Erin; Slowinski, Stephanie; Lei, Benjamin; Abeynayaka, Amila; Nyadjro, Ebenezer S.; Maes, Thomas; Thornton Hampton, Leah; Bergmann, Melanie; Aherne, Julian; Mason, Sherri A.; Honek, John F.; Rezanezhad, Fereidoun; Lusher, Amy; Booth, Andy; Smith, Rodney D. L.; Van Cappellen, Philippe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The rapid growth in microplastic pollution research is influencing funding priorities, environmental policy, and public perceptions of risks to water quality and environmental and human health. Ensuring that environmental ...
    • Currently legislated decreases in nitrogen deposition will yield only limited plant species recovery in European forests 

      Dirnböck, Thomas; Pröll, Gisela; Austnes, Kari; Beloica, Jelena; Beudert, Burkhard; Canullo, Robert; De Marco, Alessandra; Fornasier, Maria Francesca; Futter, Martyn; Goergen, Klaus; Grandin, Ulf; Holmberg, Maria; Lindroos, Antti-Jussi; Mirtl, Michael; Neirynck, Johan; Pecka, Tomasz; Nieminen, Tiina Maileena; Nordbakken, Jørn-Frode; Posch, Maximilian; Reinds, Gert-Jan; Rowe, Edwin C; Salemaa, Maija; Scheuschner, Thomas; Starlinger, Franz; Uzieblo, Aldona Katarzyna; Valinia, Salar; Weldon, James; Wamelink, Wieger G W; Forsius, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Atmospheric nitrogen (N) pollution is considered responsible for a substantial decline in plant species richness and for altered community structures in terrestrial habitats worldwide. Nitrogen affects habitats through ...
    • Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Water Networks: A Review 

      Bhardwaj, Jyotirmoy; Krishnan, Joshin Parakkulangarayil; Marin, Diego F. Larios; Beferull-Lozano, Baltasar; Cenkeramaddi, Linga Reddy; Harman, Christopher Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      There is a growing demand to equip Smart Water Networks (SWN) with advanced sensing and computation capabilities in order to detect anomalies and apply autonomous event-triggered control. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) have ...
    • Cylindrospermopsin- and Deoxycylindrospermopsin-Producing Raphidiopsis raciborskii and Microcystin-Producing Microcystis spp. in Meiktila Lake, Myanmar 

      Ballot, Andreas; Swe, Thida; Mjelde, Marit; Cerasino, Leonardo; Hostyeva, Vladyslava; Miles, Christopher O. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Meiktila Lake is a shallow reservoir located close to Meiktila city in central Myanmar. Its water is used for irrigation, domestic purposes and drinking water. No detailed study of the presence of cyanobacteria and their ...
    • Dancing around the pole: holarctic phylogeography of the Arctic fairy shrimp Branchinecta paludosa (Anostraca, Branchiopoda) 

      Lindholm, Markus; Angles d'Auriac, Marc; Thaulow, Jens; Hobæk, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The distributional patterns of Arctic species are commonly affected by the recurring Pleistocene glaciations, which contributed to transient or permanent genetic isolation. Here we explore the phylogeography of the ...
    • Data for en økosystembaseret havplanlægning 

      Ôzkan, Simon A.; Harvey, E. Therese; Murray, Ciaran Joseph; Andersen, Jesper Harbo (NIVA-rapport, Research report, 2024)
      Økosystembaseret havplanlægning skal baseres på data for alle marine økosystemkomponenter (pelagiale habitater (de frie vandmasser), bentiske habitater (habitater på havbunden), fisk, havfugle og marine pattedyr), samt ...
    • Dataanalyse av kontinuerlige målinger utenfor Quartz Corp AS på Drag i Tysfjord 

      Ledang, Anna Birgitta; Berge, John A (NIVA-rapport;6710, Research report, 2014)
      I mars 2012 ble det plassert en permanent målerigg utenfor Drag i Tysfjord. Den måler kontinuerlig temperatur, saltholdighet, strøm, turbiditet og pH. Resultater fra 2013 viste en tydelig sammenheng mellom utslipp fra ...
    • Dataanalyse av kontinuerlige målinger utenfor The Quartz Corp på Drag i Tysfjord – rapport av målinger gjort i 2014 

      Hjermann, Dag Øystein; Staalstrøm, Andre; Hagen, Anders Gjørwad; Skogan, Odd Arne Segtnan (NIVA-rapport;6878, Research report, 2015)
      Siden mars 2012 har en målerigg nær utslippsledningene til The QUARZ Corp på Drag i Tysfjord tatt kontinuerlige målinger av pH, turbiditet og oseanografiske parametere på 10 og 20 meters dyp. Denne rapporten er en presentasjon ...
    • Dead or alive — Old empty shells do not prompt false-positive results in environmental DNA surveys targeting the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera L.) 

      Rasmussen, Jes Jessen; Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Johnsen, Trine Just; Thaulow, Jens; Anglès d'Auriac, Marc; Thomsen, Søren Nøhr; Hesselsøe, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Environmental DNA (eDNA) from water samples is increasingly used to detect the presence and distribution of species in aquatic ecosystems. However, before implementing eDNA in monitoring programmes, various species-specific ...
    • A Decade of Incorporating Social Sciences in the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research Project (IMBeR): Much Done, Much to Do? 

      van Putten, Ingrid; Kelly, Rachel; Cavanagh, Rachel D.; Murphy, Eugene J.; Breckwold, Annette; Brodie, Stephanie; Cvitanovic, Christopher; Dickey-Collas, Mark; Maddison, Lisa; Melbourne-Thomas, Jess; Arrizabalaga, Haritz; Azetsu-Scott, Kumiko; Beckley, Lynnath E.; Bellerby, Richard; Constable, Andrew J.; Cowie, Greg; Evans, Karen; Glaser, Marion; Hall, Julie; Hobday, Alistair J.; Johnston, Nadine M. J; Llopiz, Joel K.; Mueter, Franz; Muller-Karger, Frank E.; Weng, Kevin C.; Wolf-Gladrow, Dieter; Xavier, José C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Successful management and mitigation of marine challenges depends on cooperation and knowledge sharing which often occurs across culturally diverse geographic regions. Global ocean science collaboration is therefore essential ...
    • Deciphering the Combined Effects of Environmental Stressors on Gene Transcription: A Conceptual Approach 

      Song, You; Asselman, Jana; De Schamphelaere, Karel A. C.; Salbu, Brit; Tollefsen, Knut Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The use of classical mixture toxicity models to predict the combined effects of environmental stressors based on toxicogenomics (OMICS) data is still in its infancy. Although several studies have made attempts to implement ...
    • Demonstrasjon av anvendelsesområdet for en online partikkelteller i vannforsyningssystemet 

      Schwermer, Carsten Ulrich; Vogelsang, Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Gjennom drikkevannsforskriften er vannverkene pålagt å ha tilstrekkelige hygieniske barrierer for å sikre helsemessig trygt drikkevann til enhver tid ute hos abonnentene. Adekvate overvåkningssystemer er nødvendige for å ...
    • Demonstrasjons- og testsenter for karakterisering og rensing av forurenset overvann - mulighetsstudie 

      Meland, Sondre; Barkved, Line Johanne; Gragne, Ashenafi Seifu; Seifert-Dähnn, Isabel; Brandt, Uta; Enge, Caroline; Johnsen, Geir Sogge; Johannesen, Hans-Petter; Kronvall, Kjersti Wike (NIVA-rapport;7610, Research report, 2021)
      Denne rapporten er en mulighetsstudie om etableringen av et demonstrasjons- og testanlegg for karakterisering og rensing av urbant overvann i Oslo. Det er behov for å øke kunnskapen om overvannets innhold av forurensningsstoffer ...
    • Deponering av mudrede masser på dypt vann innerst i Ranfjorden 

      Staalstrøm, Andre; Kempa, Magdalena (NIVA-rapport;6942, Research report, 2015)
      Her vurderes utslipp av totalt 100 000 tonn rene masser i en posisjon innerst i Ranfjorden hvor det er 300 m vanndyp. I modellen legges utslippet inn som en kontinuerlig strøm av partikler fordelt jevnt fra overflaten til ...
    • Detaljreguleringsplan for sjøområder i Vats- og Yrkefjorden. Konsekvensutredning. Deltema: marint miljø 

      Bakke, Torgeir Heggelund; Dale, Trine; Golmen, Lars Gunder; Kvassnes, Astri J.S.; Johnsen, Torbjørn Martin; Åtland, Åse (NIVA-rapport;6470, Research report, 2014)