• Responses of benthic invertebrates to chemical recovery from acidification 

      Velle, Gaute; Bodin, Christian Lucien; Arle, Jens; Austnes, Kari; Boggero, Angela; Bojkova, Jindriska; Fornaroli, Riccardo; Fölster, Jens; Goedkoop, Willem; Jones, Iwan; Juggins, Steve; Lau, Danny C.P.; Monteith, Don; Murphy, John; Musazzi, Simona; Shilland, Ewan; Steingruber, Sandra; Wiklund, Magda-Lena; de Wit, Heleen (NIVA-rapport;7881-2023, Research report, 2023)
      The report provides an assessment of biological recovery from acidification in freshwater environments in Europe. The report consists of two parts, a regional data analysis based on an international dataset of biological ...
    • Resultater fra overvåking av legemidler i avløpsvann fra et sykehus og gjennom et avløpsrenseanlegg – tilstedeværelse og miljørisiko, 2019-2022 

      Grung, Merete; Vogelsang, Christian; Schwermer, Carsten Ulrich; Helgerud, Trine Christoffersen; Espvik, Heidi Johanne; Raasok, Cecilie; Gravningen, Kirsten Midttun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Legemiddelutslipp via avløpsvann fra sykehus kan forårsake negative miljøeffekter. I denne største norske studien siden 2007 undersøkte vi legemidler i påslipp fra sykehus til kommunalt avløpsnett, og i innløp og renset ...
    • Results from Verification of Reference Irradiance and Radiance Sources Laboratory Calibration Experiment Campaign 

      Białek, Agnieszka; Goodman, Teresa; Woolliams, Emma; Brachmann, Johannes FS.; Schwarzmaier, Thomas; Kuusk, Joel; Ansko, Ilmar; Vabson, Viktor; Lau, Ian C.; MacLellan, Christopher; Marty, Sabine; Ondrusek, Michael; Servantes, William; Taylor, Sarah; Dommelen, Ronnie Van; Barnard, Andrew; Vellucci, Vincenzo; Banks, Andrew C.; Fox, Nigel; Vendt, Riho; Donlon, Craig; Casal, Tânia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We present the results from Verification of Reference Irradiance and Radiance Sources Laboratory Calibration Experiment Campaign. Ten international laboratories took part in the measurements. The spectral irradiance ...
    • Results of WEPAL-QUASIMEME/NORMANs first global interlaboratory study on microplastics reveal urgent need for harmonization 

      van Mourik, L.M.; Crum, S.; Martínez-Francés, E.; van Bavel, B.; Leslie, H.A.; de Boer, J.; Cofino, W.P. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      To survey the conformity and quality of results among laboratories for microplastics determination worldwide, an international laboratory intercomparison and development exercise was organized. The 34 participants were ...
    • Retrieving monthly and interannual total-scale pH (pHT) on the East China Sea shelf using an artificial neural network: ANN-pHT-v1 

      Li, Xiaoshuang; Bellerby, Richard Garth James; Ge, Jianzhong; Wallhead, Philip; Liu, Jing; Yang, Anqiang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      While our understanding of pH dynamics has strongly progressed for open-ocean regions, for marginal seas such as the East China Sea (ECS) shelf progress has been constrained by limited observations and complex interactions ...
    • A review of PFAS fingerprints in fish from Norwegian freshwater bodies subject to different source inputs 

      Langberg, Håkon A.; Hale, Sarah; Breedveld, Gijs D.; Jenssen, Bjørn Munro; Jartun, Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The extensive use of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) has resulted in many environmental point and diffuse sources. Identifying the source responsible for a pollution hot spot is vital for assessing remediation ...
    • A review of quantitative structure-activity relationship modelling approaches to predict the toxicity of mixtures 

      Belfield, Samuel J.; Firman, James W.; Enoch, Steven J.; Madden, Judith C.; Tollefsen, Knut-Erik; Cronin, Mark T.D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Exposure to chemicals generally occurs in the form of mixtures. However, the great majority of the toxicity data, upon which chemical safety decisions are based, relate only to single compounds. It is currently unfeasible ...
    • A review of the use of microplastics in reconstructing dated sedimentary archives 

      Martin, Jake; Lusher, Amy L.; Nixon, Francis Chantel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Buried microplastics (plastics, <5 mm) have been documented within the sediment column of both marine and lacustrine environments. However, the number of peer-review studies published on the subject remains limited and ...
    • Review: ecotoxicity of organic and organo-metallic antifouling co-biocides and implications for environmental hazard and risk assessments in aquatic ecosystems 

      Martins, Samantha Eslava; Fillmann, Gilberto; Lillicrap, Adam; Thomas, Kevin V (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Hazard assessments of Irgarol 1051, diuron, 2-(thiocyanomethylthio)benzothiazole (TCMTB), dichloro-octylisothiazolin (DCOIT), chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid, thiram, zinc pyrithione, copper pyrithione, triphenylborane ...
    • Reviews and syntheses: parameter identification in marine planktonic ecosystem modelling 

      Schartau, Markus; Wallhead, Philip; Hemmings, John; Loptien, Ulrike; Kriest, Iris; Krishna, Shubham; Ward, Ben A.; Slawig, Thomas; Oschlies, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      To describe the underlying processes involved in oceanic plankton dynamics is crucial for the determination of energy and mass flux through an ecosystem and for the estimation of biogeochemical element cycling. Many ...
    • Revisiting global diversity and biogeography of freshwater diatoms: New insights from molecular data 

      Chonova, Teofana; Rimet, Frédéric; Bouchez, Agnès; Kahlert, Maria; Schneider, Susanne Claudia; Bailet, Bonnie; Eulin-Garrigue, Anne; Gassiole, Gilles; Monnier, Olivier; Ouattara, Allassane; Rey, Stéphanie; Rhoné, Mathieu; Keck, François (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The distribution of microorganisms has long been assumed to be cosmopolitan and primarily controlled by the environment, but recent studies suggest that microbes may also exhibit strong biogeographical patterns driven by ...
    • Revisjon av fjæreindeksen i Nordsjøen sør – Norskehavet sør, og av referanseverdier for bløtbunnsfauna i Skagerrak 

      Gitmark, Janne; Borgersen, Gunhild; Kile, Maia Røst; Moy, Siri; Gundersen, Hege (NIVA-rapport;7939-2024, Research report, 2024)
      De reduserte artslistene som benyttes for å beregne fjæreindeksen (RSLA/RSL) i økoregionene Nordsjøen sør, Nordsjøen nord og Norskehavet sør er revidert basert på fjæresonedata fra 356 stasjoner (totalt 663 undersøkelser). ...
    • Revisjon av kystvannsdelen av veileder 02:2018 

      Walday, Mats Gunnar; Borgersen, Gunhild; Gitmark, Janne Kim; Engesmo, Anette; Fagerli, Camilla With; Staalstrøm, Andre; Gran, Sandra; Eikrem, Wenche (NIVA-rapport;7856-2023, Research report, 2023)
      NIVA har på oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet utført oppgaver relatert til kystvannsdelen av veileder 02:2018 «Klassifisering av miljøtilstand i vann». Rapporten gir en beskrivelse av gjennomført arbeid og en rekke konkrete ...
    • Riparian Vegetation Structure Influences Terrestrial Invertebrate Communities in an Agricultural Landscape 

      Popescu, Cristina; Oprina-Pavelescu, Mihaela; Dinu, Valentin; Cazacu, Constantin; Burdon, Francis J.; Forio, Marie Anne Eurie; Kupilas, Benjamin; Friberg, Nikolai; Goethals, Peter; McKie, Brendan G.; Rîșnoveanu, Geta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Stream and terrestrial ecosystems are intimately connected by riparian zones that support high biodiversity but are also vulnerable to human impacts. Landscape disturbances, overgrazing, and diffuse pollution of agrochemicals ...
    • Rise of Turfs: A New Battlefront for Globally Declining Kelp Forests 

      Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Wernberg, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Kelp forests are structurally complex habitats, which provide valuable services along 25% of the world's coastlines. Globally, many kelp forests have disappeared and been replaced by turf algae over the last decade. Evidence ...
    • Risiko for forurensing av råvannet til Oppegård vannverk ved akuttutslipp til Gjersjøen 

      Aanes, Karl Jan; Tjomsland, Torulv; Tryland, Ingun; Vogelsang, Christian (NIVA-rapport;5932, Research report, 2010)
      Rapporten beskriver mulige farer for forurensing av råvannet til Oppegård vannverk i Akershus ved akutt utslipp til Gjersjøen. Det er lagt vekt på å studere virkninger av utslipp som følge av uhell på vei i forbindelse ...
    • Risikovurdering av miljøgifter i sedimenter ved Westcon Yards AS, Florø 

      Håvardstun, Jarle (NIVA-rapport;7370, Research report, 2019)
      Det ble foretatt sedimentprøvetaking fra sjøbunnen i områdene rundt Westcon Yards i 2018, med formål å gjennomføre en miljørisikovurdering av miljøgifter i sedimentene, samt for å se om miljøgiftinnholdet var redusert i ...
    • Risikovurdering og revidert tiltaksplan for sjøsedimentene i Vikkilen 

      Bakke, Torgeir Heggelund; Næs, Kristoffer (NIVA-rapport; 6688, Research report, 2014)
      På oppdrag fra Nymo AS har NIVA utarbeidet revidert tiltaksplan for sjøsedimentene i Vikkilen. Revisjonen er gjort på grunnlag av tidligere innsendt tiltaksplan (NIVA l.nr 6360-2012) og diskusjon mellom Miljødirektoratet ...
    • Riverine impacts on benthic biodiversity and functional traits: A comparison of two sub-Arctic fjords 

      McGovern, Maeve; Poste, Amanda E; Oug, Eivind; Renaud, Paul E; Trannum, Hilde Cecilie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Climate change is leading to increases in freshwater discharge to coastal environments with implications for benthic community structure and functioning. Freshwater inputs create strong environmental gradients, which ...
    • Riverine Inputs and Direct Discharges to Norwegian Coastal Waters - 2014 

      Skarbøvik, Eva; Allan, Ian; Stålnacke, Per; Hagen, Anders Gjørwad; Greipsland, Inga; Høgåsen, Tore; Selvik, John Rune; Beldring, Stein (NIVA-rapport;6929, Research report, 2015)
      Riverine inputs and direct discharges to Norwegian coastal waters in 2014 have been estimated in accordance with the OSPAR Commission’s principles. Nutrients, metals and organic pollutants have been monitored in rivers; ...